Polina Grents for the sake of “Fizruk” gained 10 kilograms: interviews, photos

The TNT actress invited Antenna to her parents’ country house, where she introduced her to her sister Margosha, the yard dog Dina and (in absentia) to Dmitry Nagiyev.

April 30 2016

The actress’s family housing is located 6 km from Moscow – in Mytishchi. On the spacious lawn there is a four-room house, a summer gazebo with a barbecue and a four-legged guard’s booth – the beautiful Dina.

– Last year the goose still lived with us, – Polina smiles. – It was presented to one friend on the set. And he, without thinking twice, handed the bird to us. Only now our relationship with her did not work out. A very wayward person was caught, she had to look for a new home for her.

And Dina has been living here for three years. They picked her up on the street as a puppy. At first they did not even think about leaving, they only fed. But Dina decided everything for us – she just didn’t want to leave. I had to build a booth for her. Although the guard from her is useless – she would rather bring the keys to the house in her teeth, she is very affectionate. But she was smart, she learned all the commands in a week.

I live separately from my parents, study and work in Moscow, and I go here for the weekend. It takes no more than half an hour to drive without traffic jams, and the air here is completely different. The forest is close – a five minute bike ride away.

I am especially happy when I come, sister Margosha. Maybe because she’s the only one in our family who doesn’t work. Well, she’s 6 years old (laughs). I remember when she was born, I was in high school (now Polina is 20 years old. – Approx. “Antenna”). And she was skeptical about the idea of ​​parents to have a second child. Then I thought: if a girl is born, it’s even fun. It will be possible for her to do various funny hairstyles, to play Barbie. And when Margot appeared, a kind of maternal instinct woke up in me. I loved her so much that I got up at night, then skipped school to stay with her longer. When her teeth were cutting and she cried, I sang lullabies. And it was to my voice that she always fell asleep. And now, when they ask her: “What do you want to become?”, She always answers: “How are Fields!” And I am so pleased.

I wanted to go to the theater after school, but my parents were against it. And she chose the profession of a sociologist. But at the same time she studied in a theater studio, went to auditions. Once I came to visit friends and there I met a woman, assistant on the actors of “Fizruk”. She found my appearance interesting, and I was invited to play the role of Sasha Mamaeva on the first round, a few weeks later on the second. I was shocked! Previously, I was always refused, and here I did not really believe in success. A girl from GITIS participated in the casting with me. But when auditions were held with Dmitry Nagiyev and Vladimir Epifantsev (he was also a contender for the main role. – Approx. “Antenna”), this girl was no longer there. In general, it turned out that I was approved for the pilot episode on the last day before filming. The parents were happy, and when they found out that I would be filming with Nagiyev, they jumped to the ceiling. Mom adores him.

To play Sasha Mamaeva helped me, probably, the fact that we are very similar … While the shooting of the first season was going on, I was as naive as she was. After the Fizruk came out, I looked at myself from the side, and the naivety vanished at once! In the second season, situations arose when Sasha showed character. And that’s me too! I grew up with her. Well, Dmitry helped. For example, he advised to show some new emotion in each episode. He’s also a great storyteller. I remember once after the filming we sat with Nastya Panina (the performer of the role of Tatiana Alexandrovna Chernysheva. – Approx. “Antenna”), and he talked about the places he visited. It was so interesting to listen to! He says – and pictures of these places appear in my head. And by himself, he is a sincere person, he always defused the atmosphere on the site.

What did I have to go for the role? Get better. More than 10 kilograms. And then, to get in shape, I sat on vegetables and barley for a month.

The house itself is small but cozy. And there is enough space for everyone. Three bedrooms and a large living room combined with a kitchen. I love her the most. In the evenings we sit by the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket and blankets, chatting. Sometimes we sing karaoke! This is especially important for me now. I recently took up my vocals seriously. I even got a hobby: I re-sing famous songs and post them on my YouTube channel. And if we talk about dreams, I want to get a role in a musical someday!

The living room – as a place for our gatherings – we, of course, try to decorate, since we spend so much time here. I remember that an old bronze table lamp, no less than 100 years old, was gathering dust in the bins for a long time. So, recently they took it out, restored it, changed the lampshade, and it turned out to be an antique thing.

The figurines are also all old – even relatives collected. Friends bring a lot of things. The decorative plates were from Germany and the jugs were from Georgia.

– My bedroom is on the second floor. I love this room for being in the shade. In the summer I open the windows wide open, and immediately it becomes so fresh and cool.

– Although I think you need to rest on weekends, sometimes there are urgent matters. For example, now I am writing a term paper …

– In the summer, Margosha is my main assistant in picking apples. On the site we have one apple tree, but they also fall to us from a neighboring tree. Then I make a charlotte out of them. And mom makes jam. And we eat all winter.

– The most delicious food, of course, comes from the grill. For example, I love chicken kebab soaked in kefir. But we can cook something in the kitchen too.

I’m not on a diet, I just try to eat healthy food. Nothing fried. If chicken, then in the oven baked or stewed in cream. For garnish – vegetables, and preferably a variety. I cook myself. It is both tastier and healthier.

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