Plum and apricot hybrid

Plum and apricot hybrid

Increasingly, a plum hybrid can be found on a personal plot. And this popularity is not surprising, because the plant is characterized by frost resistance and unpretentious character, as well as the impeccable sweetness of the fruit.

Name and description of a hybrid of plum and apricot

The tree was bred back in the 80s of the last century by the American breeder F. Seiger. Among gardeners, he has several names such as plumkot, pluot and aprium. Although they are popularly called slibricots.

A hybrid of plum and apricot is a fairly productive tree

Many varieties of slibricot have been obtained, which have several differences. But at the same time, they all have common features – a non-capricious character and the ability to endure even a strong drop in temperature.

As for the external signs, the trees are of short stature and with a dense crown. The fruits are large, their weight ranges from 30 to 70 g. Depending on the variety, the color of the fruit is light green, yellow, pink or purple.

Plum and apricot hybrid: growing

It is better to plant seedlings in early April. Then the trees will have time to take root before the cold weather. For them, choose a lighted place, closed from drafts with fertile, breathable soil. Landing operations:

  1. Dig a hole with dimensions 80 * 80 cm.
  2. Place a 10 cm layer of broken brick drainage on the bottom.
  3. Pour a mixture of 2 buckets of humus, 60 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium preparations on top.
  4. Place the seedling and cover it with soil mixture so that the root collar is level with the ground.
  5. Compact lightly and moisten the soil well.

To prevent the aprium from breaking from gusts of wind, tie it to a support. Care consists of timely watering, weeding and loosening, as well as mulching the trunk circle with peat or rotten sawdust. At the same time, make sure that there is no stagnation of moisture at the roots, because the plumkot treats this very badly.

It will not be superfluous to apply fertilizers in early spring, autumn and after the flowering period. In this case, it is advisable to alternate organic and mineral fertilizing.

Perform formative and sanitary pruning annually. Plants do not need shelter for the winter

Although slibricot has excellent immunity, still spray it with Bordeaux liquid as a preventive measure. Then no diseases or pests are afraid of him.

It is not difficult to grow a tasty and healthy pluot in your garden. The main thing is to provide him with optimal conditions in the first years after planting. And then he will delight with a good harvest.

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