Plant helpers

Are you suffering from lack of energy, fatigue and even sleepiness? Are your nerves torn? Herbs that work better than energy will help.

Herbs, thanks to their nutritional and active ingredients, help not only in the treatment of many ailments and health problems. They are also a means of supporting the body and protecting against civilization diseases caused by the modern lifestyle. That is overwork, fatigue, and most of all – chronic stress. They are the culprits of many unpleasant ailments, such as insomnia, irritability, problems with concentration, lack of energy, apathy and, consequently, serious diseases.

After a hard day

There is a whole group of herbs in nature that can help relieve ailments caused by chronic fatigue. It is worth having at home, among others: lemon balm, hops and valerian.

The first two are herbs commonly known, used and valued for a long time for their healing properties. They have a calming effect, help you fall asleep and maintain a positive mood and relax after a hard day.

Valerian, also known as valerian, has similar properties as lemon balm and hops. The generic name probably comes from the Latin valere, meaning “to be healthy”. In the Middle Ages, it was often cultivated in monastery gardens as a remedy for all ailments. Today we know that valerian is an unusual plant that makes it easier to cope with the stress associated with an intense lifestyle. It is clinically proven to help with insomnia and to support mental and physical well-being.

For calming down and better sleep, you can drink organic herbal tea – Flower Bouquet


For good energy and soul healing

A surprising plant that is worth reaching for in case of unpleasant consequences of overwork and fatigue is linden. For most of us, it is known as a remedy for infections, colds and flu. It also played a different, special role in the folk tradition.

Lipa is considered a synonym of peace and security, she was credited with the power to add good energy and heal the soul. Research has supported these properties of linden, and the European Medicines Agency points to its use as a mild sedative. Linden infusions are safe and recommended for both adults and children, especially in the form of a warm infusion mixed with milk.

To improve the body’s efficiency, you can also reach for the set of energy supplements available on Medonet Market. It is also worth drinking herbal teas that give energy, such as Pukka Fresh Start BIO – tea with lemongrass.

Sleep well

To alleviate the unpleasant consequences of everyday stress and overwork, it is worth reaching for lavender. It comes from the Mediterranean region and is a beautiful symbol of Provence. Its valuable properties are accumulated mainly in the oil, which contains aromatic compounds that calm the nervous system. Lavender helps you fall asleep faster and soothes nervous tension. Dried lavender flowers closed in a cloth bag should be placed on a pillow before going to bed, it will help to improve the quality and duration of sleep.

Heather, which was used as a medicinal plant in the Middle Ages, also has a calming effect and helps to help you fall asleep.

Pukka Vanilla Chai – a vanilla tea with cinnamon and ginger that can be drunk before going to bed – has a relaxing and calming effect.

The power of calm

An interesting and less known plant today is common rout. It comes from Southern Europe and was used in rituals in antiquity as a spice for various dishes, as well as a medicine. It is its healing properties that make it can be used as a sedative in states of nervous exhaustion, distraction and so-called. vegetative neurosis manifested by attacks of pain and cramps.

Jasmine flower also has a stress-relieving effect, but also reduces inflammation, supports the functioning of the circulatory system and the immune system, and helps maintain emotional balance. You will find him, among others in Green Jasmine Bio Yogi Tea, which you can buy at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

It is also worth mentioning St. John’s wort, also known as St. John’s wort. It is one of the longest known herbal plants. In antiquity and the Middle Ages, it was attributed with a magical protective power. It is successfully used as a diastolic agent in depression, nervous exhaustion, sleep disorders and anxiety. It also helps restore emotional balance and a positive mood.

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Heart like a bell

Lionheart, as the motherwort is commonly referred to, is a perennial plant native to eastern Siberia. It was appreciated in ancient Chinese medicine and often used in folk medicine. The herb motherwort and preparations based on it are used in diseases of the nervous system and nervous cardiac ailments, as it has a calming and antispasmodic effect, slows down the heart rate and increases the efficiency of the heart muscle.

The fruits and flowers of hawthorn also have a great influence on our hearts. They are rich in flavonoids and procyanides, as well as phytosterols, tannins, vitamin C and B vitamins and mineral salts, it is an effective antispasmodic agent. In the case of blood vessels, this increases the blood supply to the heart muscle, so that shortness of breath and pain are relieved. In addition, the plant has a beneficial effect on the blood vessels in the brain, which improves its functioning.

Safe adaptogens

There is also a wide group of herbs that have been valued for centuries for their strengthening properties. We can include, among others: Rhodiola Rosea, Eleutherococcus or Polygonus.

Mountain rosary, also known as the golden root, is a plant that has aroused great interest among researchers from around the world. It belongs to the group of adaptogens, i.e. substances that support the body in the fight against stress and adverse environmental factors, maintain the body’s balance and increase resistance to diseases. Adaptogens are very safe for the body and have no side effects. Rhodiola rosea can be successfully used to alleviate anxiety and depression, to prevent heart disease, improve sexual function, and also as a means of improving the functioning of the brain and the body’s efficiency. Adding energy and increasing resistance to stress.

Adaptogenic activity is also shown by spiny eleutherococcus, also called Siberian ginseng. It supports the work of the brain, concentration and memory, helps with anxiety disorders, treatment of neuroses and depression, and increases the ability to work physically and mentally for a long time. Buy Motivation now – Panaseus dietary supplement, which includes, among others, ginseng. Also BoostMe Health Labs – when you lack energy on a daily basis is a supplement enriched with ginseng root extract.

A very valuable, unfortunately not very popular plant is polythene. It has been proven that its use supports the immune system, helps with spring fatigue, apathy and strengthens the body.

Miracle drug

The properties of herbs can be used in many ways. Drinking infusions is just one of the options. Another is to use them for relaxation baths. The combination of herbs such as: linden, heather, lavender, lemon balm, hops, chamomile and thyme will allow you to prepare a relaxing bath recommended for people who have trouble falling asleep.

Aromatherapy with the use of natural essential oils such as lavender, rose or jasmine also brings very good results, which, thanks to the high content of active ingredients, are an effective method for many ailments caused by stress. They have a positive effect on well-being, fight stress and tension, and even some physical ailments such as headaches, hyperactivity and insomnia.

We recommend Pukka Day to Night Collection – a collection of teas for the whole day that have a beneficial effect on the human body, giving it energy and making it easier to fall asleep. Also try the Pukka Herbal Collection – a collection of herbal teas. The package contains 5 types of tea, 4 teabags each.

Nature is a wonderful medicine for us. Being in its surroundings not only promotes relaxation, but also has a great impact on our well-being. It is worth spending as much time as possible surrounded by greenery, and if this is not possible – reaching for herbs. The current too intense lifestyle and pace of life – and consequently the increasing prevalence of related diseases – forces us to look for resources that will support our body. Despite the huge amount of synthetic drugs and supplements appearing on the market, it is good to remember that the nature around us has equipped us with a huge number of wonderful plants that are worth knowing and using. However, remember – it is important – to choose those coming from natural, proven and, above all, ecological sources.

You have little energy and you just don’t feel like anything? Try Energy – Panaseus dietary supplement, which is based on natural ingredients and is available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

About the author:

Mirosław Angielczyk – doctor of horticulture, expert in herbal and herbal medicine, owner of the Podlasie Botanical Garden

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