Pineapple: health benefits and harms
Incredibly juicy, tasty and very fragrant pineapple will be appreciated by every person who loves tropical fruits. It is not only good for health, but also will be a wonderful decoration of the festive table.

The history of the appearance of pineapple in nutrition

Brazil is considered to be the historical homeland of pineapple. Most researchers suggest that this fruit appeared around the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries. The inhabitants of the Caribbean prepared medicines and wine from it, and fabric was produced from the leaves. 

Pineapple came to Europe thanks to the Portuguese traveler Christopher Columbus. In 1493, he wrote that the pineapple looked like a cone, and its taste was simply incredible. 

In Our Country, this fruit appeared only in the XVIII century. Our ancestors perceived it as a vegetable and prepared pickles from it, stewed it, boiled cabbage soup, used it as a side dish. The first pineapple on the territory of our state was grown under Catherine II, and it cost like a whole cow! But because of the harsh climate, this culture simply did not take root. 

Today, the largest pineapple plantations in the world are located in the Hawaiian Islands. The main suppliers of this tropical fruit are Thailand, Philippines, Brazil, Mexico. 

The benefits of pineapple

– Pineapples have long ceased to be an outlandish fruit for us, and now in supermarkets you can buy fresh, canned, dried in the form of chips and candied fruits. Of all the variety of options, I still recommend giving preference to fresh pineapples, since it is in them that all the benefits are concentrated. First, the product is low-calorie. There are only 100 kcal in 52 grams of fruit. Secondly, it contains valuable vitamins – almost the entire group of B vitamins and vitamin C in large quantities. Thirdly, it has a low glycemic index, that is, it does not give sharp jumps in blood sugar and insulin. This means that pineapple can be consumed by people with diabetes and overweight without harm to health. 

And the most important property of pineapple is the content of bromelain, an enzyme that promotes protein breakdown. This is very important for those who suffer from low stomach acid, indigestion. Also, bromelain has immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory properties. A few years ago, bromelain preparations were actively promoted as fat burners, hence the myth that pineapple helps to lose weight. Unfortunately, magic pills for a thin waist have not yet been invented, and pineapple will only contribute to weight loss with a balanced diet with a small calorie deficit and sufficient physical activity, says nutritionist, endocrinologist Khismatullina Raushania. In addition to excellent taste, pineapple contains many useful vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP and macronutrients (potassium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron), which have a positive effect on human well-being. 

Pineapple is recommended for people with poor digestion, because it contains a useful enzyme – bromelain, which helps food to be better absorbed. In addition to breaking down food, this enzyme has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps relieve swelling and prevents the formation of blood clots. 

This tropical fruit is rich in fiber, which improves intestinal motility and helps relieve constipation. 

Pineapple contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is relevant during seasonal colds. And the composition of this fruit contains substances that strengthen the central nervous system, help to cope with bad mood and reduce pain in the joints and muscles after intense exercise. 

Eating pineapple cleanses blood vessels of bad cholesterol and reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. There is an opinion that this product prevents the growth of cancer cells and reduces the risk of cancer. 

Doctors recommend eating no more than 200 grams of pineapple per day to maintain health and strengthen immunity. 

Composition and calorie content of pineapple

Caloric content for 100 grams52 kcal
Proteins0,3 g
Fats0,1 g
Carbohydrates11,8 g

Harm of pineapple

Due to the high content of fruit acids, pineapple is extremely contraindicated for people with gastritis, high acidity and stomach ulcers. It is advisable for pregnant women to exclude pineapple from their diet, as its fruits can lead to miscarriage. 

When using pineapple, it is advisable not to exceed the recommended rate, because it can cause irritation of the oral mucosa and lead to sores. 

You should not eat pineapples if you have a tendency to allergies. Children under 6 years of age are not recommended to use them. 

Application in medicine

Pineapple contains a large amount of vitamin C. It is enough for a person to eat 200 grams of pineapple to stock up on the daily intake of ascorbic acid. B vitamins (B1, B2, B6) help normalize metabolism, improve bowel function, and also promote the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Vitamin A is an excellent antioxidant that removes free radicals from the body. 

Pineapple juice has a positive effect on human memory. It is recommended for active mental stress. Regular consumption of juice in the diet cleanses the blood vessels and prevents strokes and heart attacks. 

In South America, pineapple is used to treat colds, intestinal infections, hemorrhoids, and fevers.

Cooking application

Pineapple is very popular in cuisine, especially in Asia and South America. Desserts are prepared from this fruit, its pulp is added to salads, stewed, canned, freshly squeezed juices and smoothies are made, and, of course, they are used for beautiful and unusual serving. This fruit goes well with poultry, meat, rice, vegetables, fruits and seafood.

Chicken breast salad with pineapple

This light and tasty salad is a great dinner option. The sweetness of pineapple, combined with garlic and breast, will give you an unforgettable taste.

Pineapple (fresh)  200 g
Parmesan  70 g
Garlic  2 denticles 
Mayonnaise (homemade)  2 tbsp 
Salt, black pepper  to taste 

Boil the chicken breast, cool it and cut into small cubes. Cut the pineapple into the same cube as the bird. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. In a gravy boat, mix mayonnaise, garlic, salt and pepper. Mix well. Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl and season with sauce. When serving, garnish with a sprig of parsley. 

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Pineapple smoothie

Many nutritionists recommend including smoothies in your diet, because they are rich in nutrients, and of course fiber. This cocktail will charge you with energy and good mood.

fresh pineapple  200 g
Banana  1 pc 
Spinach  30 g
Water  300 ml. 

Cut the fruit into cubes and load into the blender bowl. Add spinach and water. Blend well until smooth. 

How to choose and store pineapple

Pineapple is a very tasty and healthy product, but in order for it to benefit the body, it is very important to choose and store it correctly. 

When buying a fruit, pay attention to the smell. It should be light, moderately sweet and be heard at arm’s length. The skin of the pineapple should be whole, firm and without dents. When pressed, it should be elastic, but not hard. The leaves should be thick and green, and the bottom of the pineapple should be dry and free from mold. 

A whole pineapple is best stored at room temperature, otherwise it will lose its rich flavor in the refrigerator. If the product is already cut, then its shelf life will be a maximum of 3 days. The fruit should be wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator. Keep this fruit away from other foods as it tends to absorb odors. 

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