- Why do infants need physiotherapy?
- Physiotherapy, an essential aid for respiratory ailments
- Physiotherapy to correct bad positions of the organs
- Physiotherapy to correct bone malformations
- Physiotherapy to acquire mastery of movements
- How does a physiotherapy session take place?
- How to choose your physiotherapist?
- Practical details
Why do infants need physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy, treatment of muscle and bone ailments, is based on massage and mobilization of the body. In infants, it is mainly used to relieve respiratory ailments, to correct bone malformations or malpositions of an organ. Or again, as part of rehabilitation to deal with pathologies of neurological origin.
Physiotherapy, an essential aid for respiratory ailments
In infants, the disease most frequently treated with respiratory physiotherapy is bronchiolitis. It requires an average of five to six sessions during which the physiotherapist drains the baby’s airways: by placing pressure with his hands on the baby’s rib cage, he helps him to expel the air from his lungs and to breathe out in order to to bring up the secretions. As the sessions progress, he also checks the level of progression of the disease and redirects the baby if necessary to the general practitioner. Respiratory physiotherapy sessions can be overwhelming for parents. It is common for the infant to cry during the manipulations. Rest assured: these treatments are not painful, and immediately afterwards relieved, they are all relaxed and, most of the time, smile.
Physiotherapy to correct bad positions of the organs
Physiotherapy is also used to correct deformities caused by bad positions taken by the fetus during pregnancy. This is the case with metatarsus varus, a deformity of the foot common in infants (the forefoot is rolled inward), taken care of from the first week of life. The physiotherapist stretches the muscles and mobilizes the appropriate bones. It also uses electric currents (this is electrotherapy) to stimulate certain muscle groups which causes the foot to straighten. It takes one to six months of treatment with two sessions per week.
Physiotherapy to correct bone malformations
The physiotherapist is involved in the management of clubfoot. This pathology, more serious than metatarsus varus, is a malformation of the bones of the foot acquired during embryonic development (irreducible hyperflexion of the foot, coupled with a rolling of the forefoot inward). longer, is supervised by a surgeon. It will include the installation of plasters, splints, surgical operations if necessary and physiotherapy care. These start very early and include stretching maneuvers of muscles and tendons, sometimes supplemented by electrotherapy in order to straighten the foot.
Physiotherapy to acquire mastery of movements
Physiotherapy is also involved in a series of so-called “neurological” pathologies where muscle control is disturbed: hemiplegia, cerebral palsy or any other hereditary or accidentally acquired pathologies. The purpose of these sessions of “neuromotor rehabilitation” by physiotherapy is not the learning but the induction of certain basic movements in the infant. The goal is that it acquires the operating patterns closest to normal. Each step is approached one after the other. For example, you start by going from flat back to flat on your stomach, then from crawling to sitting, and so on. It is not about learning but about induction. The physiotherapist directs the exercises and movements in such a way as to try to bring the infant closer to normal development.
How does a physiotherapy session take place?
During a pediatric physiotherapy session, the baby will be mobilized, his muscles will be massaged, stretched and he can be trained to perform a series of exercises depending on the goal to be achieved. The sessions normally last around XNUMX minutes, but the physiotherapist adapts to the baby’s reactions and reduces the duration of the sessions if the baby is not receptive.
How to choose your physiotherapist?
If your baby needs respiratory physiotherapy care, ask your doctor for advice, who will be able to guide you properly. If the necessary care is of a neurological or orthopedic nature, it is preferable to contact the pediatric center closest to you, within a CHR or a CHU. The pediatric team will provide you with information on the appropriate treatment and will refer you to a specialized physiotherapist.
Practical details
“Bronchiolitis” (answers to three questions). National Institute of Health Education: INPES-Service Diffusion, 42 boulevard de la Liberté, 93203-Saint Denis Cedex: “Bronchiolitis, domestic accidents”. SUKCES respiratory physiotherapy service. Online at: 90 rue de Crimée. 75018-Paris