Pet therapy: a donkey helped a dumb girl learn to speak

Both of them had a lot of trials. The fact that a child and an animal were able to help each other is incredible.

Shocky is a donkey that volunteers found in a field in Ireland. The unfortunate animal was dying: the donkey was lying on the ground with a rope around its neck, its skin was covered with sores and abrasions. And the owner “healed” the donkey, pouring bleach on his wounds … The Shocks were taken to an animal shelter – “Donkey Sanctuary” in Birmingham. There he received a new life, saved from abuse. He recovered very slowly. He had no interest in food or walking. Volunteers even doubted that Shoki would survive. And then Amber appeared.

Amber’s story is even more dramatic. She and her twin sister were born prematurely. When she was just born, it became clear that the girl could not breathe. Amber underwent a tracheotomy to save her life – a tube was stuck in her throat to provide airflow. But the operation was not entirely successful: the ligaments were hooked. The girl remained dumb. In addition, Amber had cerebral palsy.

“She struggled to sit up. But she didn’t succeed. She also could not crawl for a very long time, – he told the portal DoDo Amber’s father, Julian Ostwick. – A friend of ours advised us to try pet therapy (treatment through communication with animals. – Approx. WDay). We decided to try it. “

So in 2013, two-year-old Amber met Shockie. For the donkey, this was also the first therapeutic experience. Surprisingly, it immediately became clear: the child and the donkey became friends.

“We immediately saw that a connection was established between them, they were so tender with each other. Shocky tilted his head to Amber and let her hug his neck. We were scared, because the donkey was so big compared to our daughter. But their friendship looked just amazing, ”the parents said.

Shocky encouraged Amber to move, and she grew stronger. She even learned to ride a donkey, and not long ago he was barely alive!

When the girl was three years old, her parents decided on another operation – it was assumed that after her, Amber would finally be able to speak. Everything went well, but the girl was silent. And then one day after another visit to Shoki, a miracle happened. The family was about to go home when Amber turned around, ran back to the donkey and said: “I love you, Shockie.”

“We were amazed. It was such a relief to understand that she can still speak, ”recalls the girl’s dad.

Amber is now six years old. She has become noticeably healthier and will soon go to school. But, despite the fact that she has a lot of new things to do, Amber does not forget her best friend.

“She comes to him in the arena, looks after him, hugs him, leads him around the hippodrome, and she likes it. They both value the time they spend together. They appreciate their hugs, – the girl’s parents are sure. “We think they healed each other.”

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