Periostitis – symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

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Periostitis occurs when the membrane surrounding the bone becomes inflamed. Thus, periostitis affects the outer layer of the bone. Periostitis is associated with severe bone pain. It appears suddenly and grows stronger very quickly. Periostitis can affect everyone, regardless of gender and age. In infants, it occurs as Caffey-Silverman syndrome.

Periostitis – symptoms

Skeletal in the body it performs many important functions, which is why symptoms periostitis cannot be taken lightly. The periosteum protects the bones and helps in their regeneration, and is also responsible for proper bone growth and nutrition. Main symptom of periostitis there is very severe bone pain which radiates within the area of ​​pain. This pain comes on suddenly and increases quickly. Next symptoms of periostitis is increased body temperature, headaches and swelling within the bone in question. Symptoms of periostitis it’s also swelling and redness of the skin. If periostitis concerns the tooth, the symptom is its pain. It causes problems with eating, drinking and speaking.

The causes of periostitis

The causes of periostitis they depend on which type of disease we are dealing with. Down causes spicy periostitis we can include pathogenic microorganisms that got into the bones from other inflammations and all kinds of bone injuries. In the case of chronic periostitis cause may be ionizing radiation. Chronic periostitis it can also result from phosphorus poisoning. The cause of periostitis long bones may be abnormal bone and skin growth. Otherwise it is called hypertrophic osteoarthritis. It most often affects the tibia, feet, wrists and forearm bones. The last kind periostitis it concerns the teeth. In this case causes of periostitis there may be several. These include: untreated caries, an unremoved piece of the tooth root, dead dental pulp and improperly performed root canal treatment.

Diagnosis and treatment of periostitis

To make sure that our ailments point to periostitisj, an X-ray should be taken. If periostitis applies to teeth, an X-ray examination must also be performed. On its basis, the doctor is able to assess the causes of pain. If the assumptions are confirmed and the patient’s body has occurred periostitis, please take appropriate leczenie. There are actually two possibilities. Treatment of periostitis may require taking an antibiotic or, in some cases, surgery. Antibiotic therapy usually lasts from seven to fourteen days. It looks a bit different treatment of periostitiswhen the disease affects the teeth. Then the dentist can start root canal treatment or remove the sick tooth. If proper steps are not taken, a dental abscess may develop. In case of periostitis Tooth, it is also recommended to use chamomile and sage rinses.

Periostitis – prognosis

Prognosis about periostitis mainly depend on the actions taken. If the doctor has diagnosed the disease well, then it is possible to completely get rid of the problem. However, it is important to remember to approach the issue of treatment honestly periostitis and follow the specialist’s instructions. It is also worth noting that leczenie must be taken as soon as possible and under the supervision of a doctor. Home remedies do not always work.

Periostitis – prophylaxis

Regarding prophylaxis concerning periostitis, we can pay special attention to caring for the condition of the bones. Avoid all kinds of injuries, and in the case of teeth, take care of their health by visiting your dentist regularly.

In case of any pain symptoms, reach for the Bishofit set for joints, muscles and bones, which includes Bisholin Mineral Gel and Mineral Bath – Bishofit and Pitch Oil.

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