Perfect facial skin. Video Tips

Perfect facial skin. Video Tips

To always have beautiful and healthy skin, it is important not only to properly care for it, cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing, but also to eat a balanced diet. Proper nutrition not only plays a huge role in the health of the body, but also affects the condition of the facial skin.

Vitamins in products for perfect skin

For the beauty and flawless appearance of the skin of the face, it is necessary to provide the body with vitamins. So, if there are problem areas affected by acne on your skin, this is a sign of a possible lack of vitamins C, E, F, B6, as well as A and D. The best solution to this problem would be the use of all these vitamins in fresh fruits and vegetables. …

If you want to have perfect skin, include in your diet foods rich in vitamin C:

  • lemons
  • oranges
  • tangerines
  • currant
  • strawberries
  • apples
  • sorrel

To make up for the lack of vitamin A, eat as many fermented milk products as possible, but only if they are low in fat. This is yogurt, kefir, fat-free cottage cheese.

Vitamin B6 is very necessary for the health and beauty of the skin, which are rich in:

  • walnuts
  • garlic
  • Wheat groats
  • potatoes
  • raisins
  • calamari
  • Rye bread
  • tomatoes
  • cabbage
  • green pea
  • дрожжи
  • carrot
  • hazelnut
  • green salad

Often the cause of problematic facial skin is a lack of vitamin E, which is found in large quantities in legumes, corn, oats, sprouted wheat grains, sea buckthorn, sunflower and corn oil. By consuming dairy products, you will not be deficient in vitamin D, which is just as beneficial for the skin of the face. Plus, vitamin F, found in almonds, avocados, walnuts, as well as flaxseed, soybean, sunflower and peanut butter, will keep your skin feeling fresh and smooth.

Also, try to eliminate sodas and coffee from your diet by opting for green tea and herbal teas.

Vitamins in the composition of masks for perfect skin

In order for the skin to have a flawless appearance, it is necessary to nourish it with vitamins not only from the inside, but also from the outside – with the help of masks, which must be homemade.

For this purpose, the following are perfect:

  • fresh cabbage
  • pumpkin
  • raspberries
  • cherry
  • Strawberries
  • currant
  • apples
  • potatoes

To make a mask, take any product of your choice, grind it in a blender, and apply the resulting composition to cleansed skin. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes, then wash it off with cool water. This product is also ideal for problem skin care during adolescence.

Perform the procedure at least twice a week

A chicken egg is a storehouse of vitamins and elements necessary for the skin. So, to prepare a homemade mask, thoroughly mix an egg and a teaspoon of honey, previously melted in a water bath. Apply the resulting mixture evenly on the skin for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Thanks to these products, your skin will become unusually clean, even and beautiful, even if you are a teenager and you have problem skin.

You will read about how to make a charming jacket with sparkles in a few steps in the next article.

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