People at risk and risk factors for AIDS / HIV
People at risk
- People living in or coming from a country where HIV infection is very common (for example, sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean);
- Children born to a HIV positive mother that has not been processed. The virus is likely to be transmitted during pregnancy or childbirth, but also during breastfeeding;
- People who have a job that is exposed to blood or other body fluids (health professionals, police, firefighters, etc.);
- People who have received transfusion blood or blood products, or transplantation organ from 1979 to November 1985 (when the HIV test was developed).
- People who have unprotected sex with multiple partners.
- Men who have sex with men. It is a population where the number of cases of HIV transmission increases while it tends to decrease in the rest of the population (INVS). The risk of contracting HIV is 200 times higher for these men than for men who have only heterosexual sex.
Risk factors
Here are the risky behaviors.
- To have some unprotected sex with someone who has HIV. This includes vaginal or anal sex without a condom (condom) and oral sex without a condom (condom). People who have mouth ulcers (cold sores) or sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, etc., are more likely to get or pass on HIV.
- Have affairs several partners, with a partner who has or had several partners, or with a partner who consumes or has consumed Drugs administered intravenously and practiced syringe exchange.
- Share your syringes, for users of injection drugs.
- Make oneself tattoo or ” drill »With material that is not disposable or non-sterile.