Peonies-hybrids: varieties, planting
Hybrid peonies are a separate group of varieties bred by crossing treelike and herbaceous shrubs. The main goal of the breeders was to create varieties with yellow flowers. Such plants are also called Ito-hybrids. They received this name from the first breeder who took up this crossing, Toichi Ito.
Peony varieties of Ito hybrids
Outwardly, these plants are short shrubs – up to 90 cm in length. But they have a spreading crown and grow mainly in breadth. Stems are bent, not thick, abundantly filled with foliage.
Hybrid peonies were bred to produce yellow flowers.
In the fall, they retain their appearance for a long time, they do not lose leaves before the onset of the frost period. Some varieties change their color. Later, the aerial part of the bush completely dies off, and this happens every year.
The followers of the Japanese breeder Ito have already bred a huge number of hybrids, each of which is interesting in its own way:
- Bartzella. The flowers are large, 15 to 20 cm in diameter. The petals are lemon-colored, to the base they turn into red, terry. There is a light, pleasant aroma.
- Viking Full Moon. Stems are strong, parting on the sides. Flowers up to 15 cm in diameter, yellow with a greenish tinge, form a red spot in the center.
- Yellow Imperial. The high core has red blotches. The petals are bright yellow, semi-double. The bush is not high – 70 cm, but spreading.
Hybrids are not only yellow flowers. So, the variety “Dark Eyes” is dark purple in color with a yellow heart. Julia Rose has pink flowers and Copper Kettle has a tea rose color.
Shades are very diverse and bred in huge quantities for every taste.
To grow these plants on your site, you need to know a few rules:
- The soil should be well-drained, without stagnant moisture and close flow of groundwater.
- The peony will grow in almost any soil, but the best flowering can be achieved by specially preparing a fertile substrate. To do this, we mix garden soil, peat and humus.
- The acidity of the soil should be low. To reduce its level, add peat, lime or dolomite flour.
- You need to choose the right place for planting – it should be sunny, open to light.
In care, the most important thing is moderate watering. If the moisture is too abundant, the roots will start to rot and the plant will die.
If the place is chosen correctly, the peony has taken root and feels good, in the future its maintenance will not cause trouble. It is unpretentious and resistant to external factors.