Golden paper
A pair of scissors
Markers or colored pencils
A black marker
A needle
Elastic thread
On A4 sheet, draw a quarter circle in pencil, as shown in the photo.
Cut it out.
Place the template of the hat on your gold leaf.
Trace its outline with black felt and cut it out.
Now superimpose the two ends one on the other so as to obtain a cone and glue them to give shape to your hat. If you prefer, you can also tape them together. In case of difficulties, do not hesitate to ask for help from Mum or Dad.
Pass some elastic thread through the cat of your needle and punch a hole on each side of your hat.
Tie the elastic thread on each side of your hat after passing it through the holes.
Now it’s time for decoration. On a white sheet, draw different patterns (stars, circles…). Color them and cut them out.
Then glue them on your hat to decorate it well.
Now you are ready to wake up as it should!
See also other Christmas crafts
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