Os occipital
The occipital bone (from medieval Latin occipitalis, coming from the lower Latin, occiput, coming from caput, meaning head) is a bone present in the bony structure of the head, and more particularly at the level of the cerebral skull.
Anatomy of the occipital bone
Position. The occipital bone is a bone contained in the cerebral skull, one of the two parts of the skull that make up the cranium and envelop the brain1,2. Ovoid in shape, the cerebral skull has eight bones between them in adulthood, and divided into two zones:
- the calvaria which constitutes the upper part or vault,
- the base which constitutes the lower part.
Located within the calvaria and the base, the occipital bone is fused to different bones of the cerebral skull1,2:
- The sphenoid bone, in front at the level of the base;
- The parietal bones, anterior and median has aiveau de la calvaria;
- The temporal bones, in front and laterally at the level of the calvaria.
Structure. The occipital bone connects the cranial cavity to the cerebral canal, containing the spinal cord, thanks to the foramen magnum, a hole located at the base of the occipital bone. On each side and in front of the foramen magnum, two condylar processes emerge to articulate with the atlas, the first cervical vertebra (2).
Physiology / Histology
Nervous pathways. The occipital bone plays an essential role in the passage of the nerve pathways between the brain and the spinal cord.
Protection. An integral part of the skull, the occipital bone allows in particular the protection of the brain.
Head injuries and bone pathologies
Different pathologies can affect the bones of the skull, including the occipital bone. The causes of these pathologies are varied but can be linked to malformations, deformations, degenerative diseases or trauma.
Head injuries. The skull, including the occipital bone in particular, can suffer trauma in the form of cracks or fractures. In some cases, head damage may be accompanied by brain damage.
- Crack of the skull. The crack is the lightest lesion but should be watched to avoid any complications.
- Skull fracture. Depending on the location, two types of fractures are distinguished: the fracture of the base of the skull and the fracture with depression of the cranial vault.
Bone pathologies. The occipital bone can be affected by certain bone pathologies.
- Paget’s disease. This bone disease is defined by an acceleration of bone remodeling. Symptoms are bone pain, headaches, and cranial deformities3.
Bone tumors. Benign or malignant, tumors can develop at the base of the skull4, as well as at the level of the cranial vault5.
- Headache (headache). A frequent symptom in adults and children, it manifests as pain in the forehead. There are many causes of a headache. A doctor can be consulted in case of sharp and sudden pain.
- Migraine. A particular form of headache, it often begins with very localized pain and manifests itself in seizures.
Medical treatment. Depending on the pathology diagnosed, certain medications may be prescribed such as painkillers, anti-inflammatories or antibiotics.
Surgical treatment. Depending on the pathology, surgery may be performed.
Chemotherapy, radiotherapy or targeted therapy. Depending on the type and stage of the tumor, these treatments may be used to destroy cancer cells.
Occipital examination
Physical examination. The causes of certain forehead pain can be diagnosed by simple clinical examination.
Imaging exams. In some cases, additional examinations may be performed such as cerebral CT scan or cerebral MRI.
In 2013, researchers published in the scientific journal Science the analysis of a complete skull discovered in Dmanisi in Georgia. Dating from around 1,8 million years ago, this skull is believed to be one of the first representatives of the genus Homo outside Africa6. This discovery could provide additional information on the structure of the skull over the course of evolution.