
Operational emotions are innate or learned emotions used by a person in connection with a real or conditional benefit.

Variety of operational emotions

Film «Amelie»

Amelie is in a terrible state of frustration to get adults to do what she needs. Attraction of attention and struggle for power.

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The film «The same Munchausen»

The hunter does not just laugh at the words of the Baron — with his laughter he wants to connect those around him to ridicule the Baron. Operational emotion as a struggle for power.

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The film «Fashionable Mom»

Experiencing helplessness helps you avoid real failure and encourage others to do what you don’t want to do.

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Operational emotions are either conscious or habitual and already unconscious reactions of a person to the world around him, of varying degrees of usefulness, relevance and effectiveness.

Not everything that a person learns works equally well for his interests. For the mass personality, erroneous behavior is also characteristic to a large extent, where operational emotions are used to attract attention, struggle for power, revenge, or avoid failure.

Operational emotions, when they are conscious and constructive, help a person to be proactive.

The Structure of Operational Emotions

Operational emotions have a three-component structure:

  1. Starting image (what you saw, heard or felt),
  2. The actual experience
  3. Personal base, predisposition to this emotion.

Prompt and reactive emotional reactions

From operational emotions that arise for something, often conscious or easily conscious, there are reactive emotions that always arise unconsciously, automatically, without any purpose and without any benefit.

Roughly, the ratio of operational and reactive emotions in a developed personality is 60/40, in a mass personality — 10/90.

In turn, reactive emotions have three main varieties: reflex emotions, anchored emotions, and grafted emotions.

Operational and innate emotions

Innate emotions can trigger both reactive and operational emotions. Only after being born, children already use operational emotions, which in them can be both emotional actions and emotional reactions. See Innate Emotions.

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