
General description of the disease


Onychomycosis is a fungal disease that affects the nail plate. Pathogens include all types of dermatophytes, there are cases of defeat by epidermophytosis, microsporia and trichophytosis.

The risk group should include people with nail platinum dystrophy, dermatomycosis of the skin of the soles, impaired blood circulation and elderly people.

Ways of getting onychomycosis infection: stay in public baths, swimming pools, saunas. This is due to a large crowd of people, whose infected skin flakes got on rugs, benches, gratings, wooden surfaces untreated with varnish. And from them they got on the pores of the skin of a healthy person. Infection can be simple in everyday life, if personal hygiene is not observed and the use of one washcloth, towel, slippers for all family members.

Other causes of onychomycosis:

  • diabetes;
  • weak immunity;
  • people with HIV;
  • people who have recently undergone a course of corticosteroids, antibacterial or immunosuppressive therapy.

Types and symptoms of onychomycosis:

  1. 1 normotrophic – spots and stripes begin to appear on the nail plate, due to which the color of the nail changes (the thickness of the nail and shine remain);
  2. 2 hypertrophic – in addition to changes in color, the nail loses color, becomes dull and thickens, lends itself to various deformations (at the edges it can crumble and collapse);
  3. 3 atrophic – in the affected areas, the nail atrophies and falls off the nail bed.

Forms of onychomycosis, depending on the location of the lesion:

  • distal – the nail plate is affected by the fungus from the side of the free edge;
  • lateral – the nail is affected on the sides;
  • proximal – the periungual roller becomes infected;
  • total – the fungus completely affects the entire nail.

A dermatologist can diagnose the disease, who will give a referral for scraping or bacterial culture.


Useful products for onychomycosis

To get rid of this problem, the patient needs to undergo general body strengthening therapy. For these purposes, the patient must follow the diet of table number 15.

It implies an increase in the body’s defenses with the help of its fortification. Cooking is allowed by all possible heat treatment methods. There should be 4 meals. List of products recommended for intake: fresh rye and wheat bread and other flour products, dairy and dairy products, boiled eggs and in dishes, soups with meat, mushroom or fish broth, cereals, legumes, more vegetables, herbs and fruits, vegetable oils, butter, decoctions from wild rose, sprouted wheat, natural homemade sweets (marshmallow, soufflé, smoothies, jelly, marmalade, honey).

Traditional medicine for onychomycosis

Before starting treatment with folk methods, it is necessary to study in detail all methods and techniques, and also adhere to all recommendations and doses. Otherwise, there may not be an improvement in the condition and not a cure, but on the contrary, an exacerbation of the disease.

The simplest and most effective method of control is an iodine solution (5%). They need to process their nails in the morning and evening for 21 days. It is worth noting that if during the period of treatment the painful sensations and pinching does not subside, but only increases, it is necessary to immediately stop such treatment and consult a doctor.

To get rid of onychomycosis, you need to make lotions with propolis and compresses using kombucha. As a lotion, you need to use an alcoholic tincture of propolis 20 percent. They need to be done until the old nail plate comes off. For a kombucha compress, take a small piece (the size of the affected area), peel off a thin skin, grind until gruel is formed. Rub the resulting mixture on sore nails and wrap with a plaster. You need to repeat these procedures 3-4 times a day (to the extent of drying). As soon as the mixture dries up and the skin begins to tighten, change the lotion, compress.

To cleanse the body from various infections and increase the body’s resistance, it is necessary to drink a decoction of calamus rhizomes. At one time, you will need half a glass of boiled hot water and 1-2 teaspoons of raw materials. Rhizomes need to be poured with water and put on gas, brought to a boil and boiled for a minute. Let cool, filter. The dose depends on the form and severity of the disease and on the tolerance of the decoction (it is very bitter). Drinking the broth is desirable 3 times a day (two are allowed, but the effectiveness may decrease). To maintain the effect when taken twice a day, it is better to take 2 teaspoons of dried calamus rhizomes.

Traditional healers also recommend drinking tea from the herbal collection, which is prepared from tricolor violets and dropsy (take 8 grams each), string (10 grams). Pour a glass of hot water, leave to infuse for 25-30 minutes. Take 3-4 times a day for ¼ part of a glass.

Tea tree oil is a good treatment (it cannot be diluted). With a pipette, you need to take a few drops of oil and drop it on the affected area of ​​the nail and under it. Repeat three times a day. For a stronger effect, you can add lavender oil in a 1 to 1 ratio.

Rub the juice of garlic or onion into the feet and sore nails. The juice of red hot pepper has the same properties.

Note! All of the above methods should be used on only steamed legs in potassium permanganate or in a basin with a solution of sea salt (based on the calculation: 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water). Once a week, you need to do mechanical cleaning of the feet (scrape off dry skin, cut off nails and sore nail areas).

Dangerous and harmful products with onychomycosis

  • fatty, stringy meat (old beef, duck, goose);
  • margarine and other cooking oils;
  • mustard, pepper;
  • old bread and other flour products (after baking more than 3 days have passed);
  • smoked products;
  • sausages, canned food, store-made sausages;
  • ice cream, pastry cream, chocolate;
  • alcohol (especially champagne, sparkling wine, beer), coffee, cocoa, kvass, soda;
  • fat;
  • fast food and other fast food and convenience foods;
  • blue cheese.

These foods contribute to the development of the fungus. The ideal conditions for their reproduction is a carbohydrate-rich environment. You should eat foods cooked with yeast in moderation (they provoke the growth of the fungus).


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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