On health: why beauty and tranquility disappear due to magnesium

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What can the lack of this trace element in the body lead to, explained Yulia Kuznetsova, a neurologist at polyclinic No. 3 in Moscow.

Magnesium (Mg), without exaggeration, can be called a vital element for the body, since it takes an active part in the metabolism. An adult’s body contains about 700 milligrams of magnesium. It ranks fourth as a trace element and is involved in the formation of more than 300 different enzymes, which, in turn, contribute to the synthesis of protein, genetic structures (DNA, RNA) and, most importantly, in optimizing the work of cellular structures when combining nutrients with oxygen for power generation.

An important element

Now one of the priority areas of medicine is the issue of primary prevention of the new coronavirus infection COVID 19. Experts are figuring out what needs to be done to reduce the risk of infection. Since the coronavirus penetrates the mucous membranes of the nose, trachea and bronchi, esophagus and stomach, they should be made more resistant. Mucous membranes require a certain recharge, which will allow better functioning and recovery of epithelial cells. Magnesium compounds are one of the main substances that stabilize the endothelium; as a rule, doctors recommend combining them with B vitamins, vitamin A, and vitamin D3. Without Mg, it is very difficult to form a protective barrier, the so-called mucosal immunity.

With secondary prevention (when a person is already sick and needs to be treated), magnesium deficiency can increase the negative effect of infection on the body. This leads to increased blood clotting and possible damage to the inner walls of blood vessels, which increases the risk of stroke and heart attack. Among other things, magnesium, according to doctors, is involved in the control of calcium metabolism. With a deficiency of magnesium in the cell, the calcium content may increase, which may lead to disruption in the work of those organs in the cells of which the balance is disturbed. Brain cells, nerve cells, liver and vascular cells are especially affected. Some studies suggest that taking magnesium during coronavirus infection or after recovery may help improve calcium balance and calcium metabolism in the body.

Beauty and children

What can a lack of magnesium in the female body lead to? There is a chance to spoil the condition of teeth, nails and hair, since without magnesium, the calcium they need so much is not absorbed; wrinkles may appear or appear, the synthesis of elastin and collagen may decrease; become more pronounced premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopause.

According to modern views, cellular energy structures are inherited exclusively through the female line and the random mutations accumulated by them in the female body primarily affect cells with high metabolic activity: cells of the brain, heart, liver, kidneys and muscles. A lack of magnesium in a woman’s body can affect her ability to safely carry and give birth to a healthy baby. Due to magnesium deficiency, there is a risk of a threat of termination of pregnancy, damage to the placenta, disorders of embryo implantation, and premature birth. In addition, there may be weakness in labor, high blood pressure, which, as a rule, require the mandatory appointment of a course of magnesium intake during pregnancy. 

Now a completely unusual fact has emerged: 81 percent of women in Russia who want to become a mother are deficient in magnesium. Doctors correct this condition by prescribing supportive therapy.  

Sleep and stay awake

The life of a modern person depends to a large extent on the way of life. We move a little, sit at the computer a lot, straining our eyes, make long trips with a change of time zones, find ourselves in a room with artificial lighting and in a state of constant stress most of the time, and suffer from sleep disorders. These circumstances are not always the only or the main reasons for feeling unwell, manifested by anxiety, muscle and joint pain, unexplained fever, and loss of strength. Leading complaints: constant fatigue, not eliminated even by prolonged sleep, attacks of headaches for many hours, chills, dryness of the mucous membranes of the eyes and “sore throat”, muscle pain, shortness of breath, temperature slightly above 37 degrees, swollen lymph nodes. There may be a fear of bright light and sound, irritability, and poor concentration. Later signs, as it turns out, of magnesium deficiency in the form of emotional exhaustion include: feelings of depression and hopelessness, loss of interest and positive feelings towards others, indifference to the performance of professional duties, a dangerous feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness. When contacting a doctor, a diagnosis can be made: chronic fatigue syndrome. And although this syndrome, first described in the United States back in 1984 and depending on an imbalance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the autonomic divisions of the nervous system, remains provoking an increased emotional and intellectual load in a dysfunctional social environment with the frequent ascertaining of a lack of such an important mineral in the body, like magnesium.

About 80-90 percent of the inhabitants of large cities suffer from magnesium deficiency, the reserves of which are severely depleted during moments of life stress. As a result of such chronic situations, a bad mood and poor quality sleep are possible, up to manifestations of depression and even memory impairment. If, on the contrary, there is enough magnesium, a person experiences calmness, an increase in mood, a surge of strength, since magnesium plays a key role in the production of the hormone of happiness – serotonin.

What to do?

To provide the body with magnesium, it is worth eating foods rich in this element: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, soy and black beans, avocado, cashew nuts, spinach, brown rice, oat bran, sesame seeds, almonds, seaweed, squid and bananas. There are foods that we consume every day and do not think that they contribute not to the accumulation, but to the excretion of magnesium from the body. This is all due to our unhealthy modern diet. We consume an abundance of carbohydrates, drinks with caffeine, sugar, eat fast food, abuse alcohol.

One of the available sources of trace elements important for life is mineral water. Enriched with magnesium, it provides renewal at the cellular level. The systematic intake of mineral water with magnesium is the path to longevity. The concentration of mineral compounds determines the properties of water, its use for the treatment or prevention of pathologies. You need to know that mineral water with magnesium is represented by a multicomponent composition, including not only magnesium ions, but also sodium, potassium, calcium, lithium, zinc. Retains a constant chemical composition, belongs to food products.

One of the modern mineral waters is medicinal mineral water “Zayechitska Gorka” (“ZAJEČICKÁ HOŘKÁ”) – mineral water with a high content of magnesium (4800-5050 mg / l) and trace elements: sodium and potassium, calcium and zinc, iodine and lithium. For about three centuries, this water has been extracted in North Bohemia from a deposit near the town of Zayečice u Bečova. Water without any odor, with a distinct taste of bitterness due to the significant part of magnesium. It is recommended to take this water in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bedtime, 100 ml in the evening for a month, carrying out two or three courses a year.

Mineral water, enriched with magnesium, is used not only when a lack of this most important element is noted, but also for the successful treatment of abnormalities in the work of the nervous, excretory, digestive and other systems. This water takes part in many vital physiological processes: the formation of teeth, the normalization of blood clotting processes (prevents the formation of blood clots), strengthening the nervous system (relieves stress, irritability, increased excitability), promotes cell regeneration (prevention of early aging, age-related diseases), improves the work of the digestive system. But with a number of diseases mineral waterenriched with magnesium, it is not recommended to take – this is acute renal failure, cholelithiasis. There are certain rules of use: the optimum water temperature depends on the degree of mineralization; water at room temperature or 35-40 degrees is often recommended; drink in small sips, water with magnesium is not intended to quench thirst.



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