Omega-3 fats are not only found in fish!

Scientists have long recognized that many “essential” fats, such as omega-3s, are found in more than just fish and animals, and there are alternative, ethical sources for these nutrients.

Recently, new evidence has been obtained for this – it was possible to find a plant source of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).

Some people think that omega-3 acids are only found in fatty fish and fish oils, but this is not true. Recently, American scientists have found that the flowering plant Buglossoides arvensis also contains these substances, and is their richest source. This plant is also called “Ahi flower”, it is widely distributed in Europe and Asia (including Korea, Japan, and Russia), as well as in Australia and the USA, and is not rare.

The Ahi plant also contains Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. To be scientifically accurate, it contains the precursors of both of these substances – namely stearic acid (international label – SDA, this acid is also found in another useful source of important nutrients – spirulina), and gamma-linolenic acid (referred to as GLA).

Experts believe that Ahi flower seed oil is even more beneficial than, for example, flaxseed oil, which is very popular among vegetarians and vegans, because. stearic acid is better accepted by the body than linolenic acid, the most beneficial substance in linseed oil.

Observers note that it is quite possible that the Ahi flower has a great future, because. fish oil today – due to the deteriorating environmental situation on the planet – often contains heavy metals (for example, mercury), and therefore can be hazardous to health. So even if you are not a vegetarian, eating fish or swallowing fish oil may not be the best solution.

Obviously, an alternative, purely plant-based source of omega-3 fats is a welcome innovation for anyone who cares about their health and at the same time leads an ethical lifestyle.

The discovery was presented on the super-popular health TV show Dr. Oz in America and Europe, and it is expected that the first preparations based on the Ahi flower will soon be on sale.






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