Losing weight up to 4 kg in 5 days.
The average daily calorie content is 540 Kcal.
The British have been using this diet for a long time. You’ve probably noticed that there are few overweight people among the inhabitants of Foggy Albion. If you also want to gain harmony, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the Old English method of transformation, which is designed for 5 days and promises to reduce weight by at least 3-4 kilograms.
Old English diet requirements
The menu of this diet is made up of true English products that have been consumed and consumed by many generations of the inhabitants of this country. Namely: oatmeal, legumes (beans), cheese, lean meats, various fruits and vegetables, and tea. These products are perfectly combined with each other and are remarkably absorbed by our body.
Salt is allowed, but in small doses. It is better to refuse sugar, but it is still allowed to add it to tea in the morning (maximum 1-2 teaspoons). Otherwise, the process of losing weight may be questionable. Particular attention should be paid to making tea, which perfectly invigorates and gives strength. It is important to choose this high quality drink and brew it correctly. Tea bags are not suitable in our case.
An interesting fact is that this technique was used to reduce body weight by the pupils of many Old English sanatoriums and boarding houses. The girls were eager to find a thin waist and an attractive figure. By the way, the owners of the establishments themselves only felt good about it. Indeed, in addition to the joy of the built ladies, they also managed to save good money on products. There were times when food in England was very expensive. In some institutions of this kind, the Old English diet had to be consistently followed by their pupils about 3-4 times a year. The reason for this phenomenon was that often after the holidays the girls returned to boarding houses, gaining a few extra pounds, which is why unattractive folds immediately appeared in the tight boarding clothes. And since thin, pale-faced ladies were previously appreciated in England, and almost any dandy dreamed of just such a bride, excess weight was absolutely useless for the British and could become an obstacle to the organization of a happy personal life.
Regardless of the goals pursued, you can also turn to the English diet for help and quickly correct your figure.
Day 1
Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal cooked in water; a cup of tea.
Lunch: bowl of low-fat chicken broth; a slice of hard flour bread; a cup of tea.
Snack: tea.
Dinner: a slice of bread (preferably made from hard flour) with a thin layer of butter and low-fat hard cheese; a cup of tea.
Day 2
Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal and black tea.
Lunch: boiled or baked chicken drumstick; a cup of tea.
Snack: tea.
Dinner: 2 small apples.
Day 3
Breakfast: a third of a cup of your favorite berry jam or jam; tea.
Lunch: 2 boiled chicken eggs and a slice of bread, spread with a thin layer of butter, with a slice of hard cheese; a cup of tea.
Snack: tea.
Dinner: a small portion of boiled beans.
Day 4
Breakfast: a serving of oatmeal and a cup of tea.
Lunch: 3 boiled chicken eggs and a cup of tea.
Snack: tea.
Dinner: 2 pears.
Day 5
Breakfast: a slice of wholemeal bread with a thin layer of butter and a little hard cheese; a cup of tea.
Lunch: boiled skinless chicken drumstick; a glass of low fat milk.
Snack: tea.
Dinner: 2 medium boiled or baked potatoes; a cup of tea.
Contraindications to the Old English diet
The main contraindications for following this diet are:
- the presence of serious diseases,
- general weakness of the body,
- period of pregnancy and lactation.
The virtues of the Old English diet
- Talking about the advantages of the Old English diet, let’s pay attention to the simplicity and simplicity of the products involved in it. These foods have been consumed by humans for hundreds of years. Surely they are well absorbed by the body now. They will help remove various harmful substances from the organs, at the same time saving us from extra pounds.
- The diet is not a particularly hungry weight loss technique, so you are unlikely to have to suffer from hunger pangs. If you do not sit on it for longer than the proposed period, the Old English diet does not promise to affect your health in a negative way. And the products involved in it will benefit the body. Let’s draw your attention to the main ones, namely oatmeal and black tea, which largely determine the effectiveness and usefulness of this diet.
- Oats are rich in useful complex carbohydrates that are a source of energy and strength for the body. A serving of oatmeal, which is especially good to consume in the morning, will energize us for many hours, minimizing the risk of eating any harmfulness due to a sudden attack of hunger. Fiber and proteins that have settled in oatmeal contribute to the fact that it is muscle tissue that is building up, and not an increase in body fat.
- Vitamin B, contained in oatmeal in sufficient quantities, has a beneficial effect on the digestion process, normalizing it, and also has a positive effect on the skin, helping to eliminate acne, blackheads, blackheads, etc. So, even if you do not need to lose overweight, but there are problems with the epidermis or digestion, and also if diarrhea or bloating often make itself felt, try introducing oats into the diet. Surely pleasant changes will delight you.
- The benefits of oats are also great for people with diseases of the heart or blood vessels, due to the fact that it contains various minerals and iron. The iodine found in oats is very useful for the concentration of memory and the development of attention, and magnesium and potassium are excellent for relieving muscle fatigue.
- High-quality black tea is also not deprived of many useful characteristics. It improves the functioning of the kidneys, the digestive system and the whole body as a whole. The drink has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, stimulating its proper functioning. Black tea is rich in a type of caffeine called tannin. He, in turn, has antioxidant and antioxidant properties that provide the body with protection from many negative environmental factors that can harm it.
- Black tea is called the drink of longevity for a reason. The fact is that it strengthens the cerebral circulation in the right way, reducing the likelihood of stroke and many other health problems.
- The old English method of losing weight perfectly accelerates the metabolism. Therefore, if you follow a diet from time to time and with a reasonable diet in your free time from a diet, you will probably be able to forget about excess weight for a long time.
Disadvantages of the Old English Diet
- It should be borne in mind that the caloric content of the diet is reduced enough, and this can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases, if any. So in the presence of diseases, you need to approach the technique especially carefully.
- In general, if health is not good enough, it is better to refrain from dieting.
- It is highly recommended to help the body by taking a vitamin and mineral complex.
Re-administering the Old English diet
Do not repeat the Old English diet sooner than one month after it ends.