Nutrition of women at different ages

With age, the metabolism of any person and his hormonal background change, and if at 18 years old after french fries you are a swallow, then at 40 from the very thought of such food you add a kilogram. Skin condition, well-being – all this also depends on the daily diet. What should be the nutrition of a woman, depending on her age?

Before 20 years

In a period of endless romance and a desire to please the opposite sex, in pursuit of fashion and catwalk parameters, young girls are often stormy from diet to diet, thereby undermining the health given by nature. Growth continues, the hormonal system is established and more vitamins and microelements are needed more than ever for the correct formation and strengthening of bones, muscles and internal organs.

The psychological state in adolescence is unstable, and it is important not to let the girls bring themselves to an extreme state – anorexia or, on the contrary, obesity.


It is important for parents to tell girls about proper nutrition and lifestyle and to focus on the menu on:

– green vegetables, seeds and nuts – they contain a lot of magnesium and calcium;

– fish and healthy seeds – as a source of healthy omega-3 fats;

– bran, seeds, pork, beef, chicken, mushrooms, eggs and milk – they contain zinc;

– protein and fiber are vegetables and fruits, dairy and meat.

From 20 30 years up

At this age, many think about nutrition and the consequences of using certain foods for the figure, condition of the skin, hair, nails. On the other hand, metabolism still allows you to “sin” somewhere, to go over calories.

It is desirable that the consumed foods contain a lot of vitamin B – eat mushrooms, green vegetables and all kinds of green salads, fish, eggs. And also iron – you will find it in seaweed, liver, nuts, buckwheat, lentils and seeds.

Don’t ignore protein – it will help you burn fat and keep your body toned. This is meat, fish, egg white. Fish is also a source of unsaturated fatty acids, which will help strengthen blood vessels.

Focus on fiber, but do not forget to drink a lot of water – the appearance, and the internal state and mood depend on its amount. Look out for artichokes, zucchini, celery, cauliflower, carrots, beets, green peas, and bell peppers.

From 30 40 years up

A body that has gone through major metamorphoses is no longer so responsive to methods of losing weight and maintaining beauty. You need to work on it longer, more thoroughly and more inventive. Diets stop working and even have the opposite effect. All bad habits and breakdowns that were before, make themselves felt by wrinkles, the condition of the skin, hair, nails, blood vessels.

Increase your magnesium intake – these are avocados, legumes, dark chocolate, whole grains. Don’t forget about fiber and cut back on sugar and caffeine.

Drink green tea to tone up, it speeds up metabolism and removes toxins. Don’t forget about olive oil – it will take care of your vessels.

After 40 years

The emphasis in nutrition should be placed on those foods that contain antioxidants, in particular CoQ10 – it preserves youth, promotes better concentration. There is a lot of it in sardines.

Vitamin B is also needed after 40 – it fights aging of the body as a whole. To maintain hormonal balance, it is good to include all kinds of seeds in your menu – flax, sesame, and chickpeas.

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