General description of the disease
Retinoblastoma, or cancer of the retina, is a malignant tumor of the eye that develops mainly in childhood from embryonic tissues. The peak of the disease is recorded at 2 years. Almost all cases of retinoblastoma are determined up to 5 years. Retinoblastoma develops rapidly, metastases are able to penetrate into the brain through the optic nerve.
The reasons:
The main reason is heredity, genetics. It accounts for almost 60% of cases. Also, the disease can be provoked by the large age of parents, work in the production in the field of metallurgy, poor ecology, which can cause changes in chromosomes.
Directly depend on the location and size of the tumor.
- Strabismus is at the initial stage.
- The presence of a white pupillary reflex, or leukocoria. This is a specific glow in one or both eyes, the so-called. “Cat’s eye” – if the tumor is already large enough.
- Photophobia.
- Lachrymation.
- Loss of vision.
- Pain.
- Vomiting, headache, nausea occur when metastases spread to the brain and bone marrow.
Varieties of the disease:
- 1 Intraocular – the neoplasm develops inside the eyeball.
- 2 Extraocular – tumor growth extends beyond the eyeball.Hereditary retinoblastoma and sporadic are also distinguished. The latter is not related to genetics and is easier to treat.
Healthy foods for retinoblastoma
Patients with retinoblastoma, which is a type of cancer, should follow 3 principles in their diet: maintaining the immune system, detoxifying and protecting the body from the effects of the tumor, as well as from the action of medications used in treatment.
It is necessary to eat properly in order to provide the tissues of the body with oxygen. A tumor in an oxygen environment develops worse. Do not overeat, as this leads to the formation of toxins (from undigested food) and, as a result, intoxication of the body. It is best to eat small meals, but more often three times a day. Preference is given to cooked food.
- The emphasis should be on plant-based foods, it is advisable to eat them every day. This includes vegetables, fruits, legumes (beans, peas, lentils), as well as foods containing starch (rice, rye bread), nuts. They contain many components that destroy carcinogens before they can cause cancer.
- Low-processed or unprocessed foods are useful – muesli, grain sprouts, olives, unrefined oil, fresh herbs, as they perfectly nourish the body and also support the immune system.
- Freshly squeezed juices are useful, as they saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals. During the day, you can drink tea, mineral water.
- The consumption of low-fat kefir and yoghurt, yogurt, mineral water and fresh milk, cabbage will provide the body with vitamin B6, which helps to restore eye tissues. This also includes buckwheat, millet, bananas, potatoes, cabbage, yolks.
- Lean meat, such as poultry, rabbit, as these foods are nutritious and also contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that are good for the eyes.
- It is important to eat noodles, bread and wholemeal baked goods. These foods contain a lot of fructose and fiber, which are necessary for a balanced nutrition of the body. They also improve intestinal motility, which prevents overweight and thus helps the body fight disease.
- Recent studies have shown that oily fish can maintain eye health, including retinal health, through the presence of omega-3 fatty acids.
- Blueberries are useful because they contain natural antioxidants that neutralize the action of free radicals and thus prevent the formation of cancer cells and the development of eye diseases.
- For the same reason, it is worth taking vitamin A, which, in addition to the presence of antioxidants, contains useful substances for the retina of the eye and prevents the occurrence of blindness. It is found in cod liver, egg yolk, butter, and fish oil. When choosing an oil, you should give preference to a high-quality, not very fatty product.
- Carrots, bell peppers, rose hips, apricots, and spinach contain both antioxidants and carotene, which helps the body synthesize vitamin A on its own.
- Meat, liver, low-fat cottage cheese, yolk provide the body with vitamin B12, which prevents watery eyes.
- Citrus fruits, cabbage, kiwi, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, apples, black currants are sources of vitamin C, which maintains the tone of the eye muscles and prevents the development of eye diseases.
- Mushrooms and seafood, as well as black bread, contain vitamin D, which is good for the eyes.
- Apples, wheat germ, yeast, dairy products, nuts, eggs, liver saturate the body with riboflavin, vitamin B2, which is widely used in medicine to treat diseases of the retina and optic nerve. It also improves metabolic processes that take place in the lens of the eye.
- Meat, rye bread, potatoes, vegetables are sources of vitamin B1, thiamine, which is essential for normal eye function.
- It is useful to eat broccoli, strawberries, cabbage, spinach, tofu (bean curd), Brussels sprouts, as they have anti-tumor properties.
- Mackerel, almonds, cauliflower, radishes, pears, carrots, prunes have tonic properties, remove toxins due to the content of calcium, as well as magnesium, potassium, folic acid and other useful substances. Moreover, calcium maintains the alkalinity of the blood and prevents the development of cancer cells.
Alternative methods for the treatment of retinoblastoma:
They are based on the consumption of foods that can inhibit the growth of neoplasms, and also help in the development of healthy cells. In addition, they help the body maintain its defense mechanisms. However, their use must be agreed with the doctor and used in conjunction with his treatment.
- 1 It is worth paying special attention to the use of seaweed and seaweed to ensure the intake of iodine in the body. You can also dilute a drop of iodine in water and drink or draw iodine nets.
- 2 You can eat apricot kernels, but not more than 10 per day due to their toxicity. They contain the anti-cancer vitamin B17.
- 3 Every morning it is worth keeping in your mouth for 15-20 minutes 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flaxseed or other oil to get rid of Trichomonas – their colonies are cancerous tumors, and then spit it out. The oil usually becomes white – this is a cluster of Trichomonas, which love it and pass into it.
- 4 You should increase your intake of fruits, as they prevent healthy cells from becoming cancerous.
- 5 It is also believed that taking infusions of celandine, peony root, hemlock causes necrosis of cancer cells (1 tablespoon of herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water, take 3 drops 30 times a day).
Dangerous and harmful foods for retinoblastoma
- It is necessary to limit the use of excessively fatty foods, as it disrupts metabolism and leads to obesity, and also impairs the blood supply to the choroid of the retina, provokes diseases of the optic nerve.
- Smoking and alcohol provoke the same consequences.
- Excessive consumption of starchy foods leads to disorders in the retina and even blindness.
- Do not get carried away with sugar and other sweets, as they increase the level of glucose in the body and create an attractive environment for the development of cancer cells.
- It is important to limit the consumption of fried and smoked, sausages, sausages, canned food and fast food, since such food leads to the formation of carcinogens in the body.
- Sugary carbonated drinks and soft drinks are harmful, as they increase blood sugar and promote the formation of cancer cells.
- Salty food is dangerous, as it delays the excretion of fluid from the body and increases intraocular pressure.
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