Nutrition in case of insufficiency

General description of the disease


There are several types of organ failure. The most common ones.

  1. 1 Heart failure – a decrease in the contractility of the heart muscle.
  2. 2 Liver failure – This is a violation of liver function, due to a violation of its parenchyma.
  3. 3 Renal insufficiency – it is partially or completely that the kidneys cannot function (that is, form and excrete urine).

Useful foods for deficiency

With heart failure

you need to limit yourself in the consumption of any liquid, this also applies to liquid dishes.

Include in your diet foods that contain potassium: dried apricots, raisins, nuts, baked potatoes, Brussels sprouts, peaches, bananas. And, also, you should include in your diet:

  • it is better to choose buckwheat and oatmeal from cereals;
  • pumpkin juice with honey (they improve the biochemical composition of the blood and increase the tone of blood vessels, and also increase hemoglobin);
  • juicy soft pears, which have a heart rate-reducing effect;
  • raspberries (it normalizes blood pressure, cleans blood vessels, and thereby reduces cholesterol levels);
  • bell peppers and tomatoes – strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • fruits and leaves of black currant (reduce blood clotting and are used in the treatment of atherosclerosis);
  • hawthorn eliminates arrhythmia, lowers cholesterol, reduces pain in the heart.

Read also our special article Nutrition for the Heart.


In nutrition for liver failure

the following rules must be observed:

  • a sufficient amount of easily digestible and complete protein must be supplied to the body;
  • to enhance the choleretic effect, reduce the consumption of animal fat in the diet and increase vegetable fats;
  • food should be well cooked, chopped or mashed;
  • you need to crush food (this facilitates digestion and improves intestinal activity and has choleretic properties);
  • it is necessary to introduce into the diet foods rich in dietary fiber that have a choleretic effect and ensure the removal of cholesterol from the blood.

Read also our special article on nutrition for the liver.

In the diet for renal failure, you should:

  1. 1 Limit protein intake in your diet from 20 to 70 grams per day.
  2. 2 Ensure that you consume foods with a high energy value in your diet by increasing the amount of carbohydrates and fats.
  3. 3 Balance the consumption of vegetables and fruits, taking into account their protein, salt and vitamin composition.
  4. 4 Regulate the ratio of salt to water, paying attention to swelling, blood pressure and kidney function.
  5. 5 Fasting days are needed once a week (watermelon, sugar, pumpkin, apple, potato).

Read also our special article on nutrition for the kidneys.

Folk remedies for the treatment of insufficiency

Heart failure treatment

Tip # 1

Wormwood helps well, stimulating blood circulation. Taking a tincture of wormwood, in patients, the heartbeat improves, shortness of breath decreases, edema disappears. Pour 30 grams of wormwood with two glasses of water and boil for 15 minutes. Let stand, and take 150 grams three times shortly before meals.

Tip # 2

To maintain water balance and stimulate blood circulation, you need to use a decoction of nettle. 20 grams of nettle leaves must be placed in 1/4 liter of hot water and let the broth brew, then strain and drink every 8 hours.

Tip # 3

Rosemary (both fresh and its decoction) relieves swelling and strengthens blood vessels, relieves inflammation of the heart bag.

For liver failure, the following recipes are effective:

Recipe No.1

We take 90 grams of tricolor violets and the same amount of calendula flowers, 60 grams of hernia, one tbsp. a spoonful of grits and the same number of black poplar buds. Mix everything and take 30 grams of this collection, pour a glass of hot water and let it brew. Take a tablespoon shortly before meals. The duration of the course of treatment is from three to six months.

Recipe No.2

Pour 20 grams of juniper with 250 ml of boiling water and infuse, and divide the reception 4 times in a tablespoon.

Recipe No.3

Take in equal proportions the watch and leaves of birch, St. John’s wort, knotweed herb, peppermint, cinquefoil goose, motherwort, bedstraw, sage, viburnum and calendula flowers, fruits of fennel, lamb and hawk, shoots of kidney tea, apple peel. Mix everything thoroughly. We take 60 grams of the mixture and place it in half a liter of hot water and heat it in a water bath. You need to take a warm broth for 1/4 cup after a meal.

With renal failure

Recipe No.1

For the treatment of renal failure, herbs are effective: St. John’s wort, lemon balm, calendula, mint. Mix thoroughly and take at the rate of 30 grams per one glass of boiling water and use half a glass of broth per day.

Recipe No.2

We mix leaves of motherwort, lingonberry, chamomile flowers, dandelion, string, violet flowers. Pour 40 grams of collection with a glass of boiling water and drink 300 milliliters in five steps.

Recipe No.3

You need to eat as much watermelon as possible, as well as brew their crusts.

Dangerous and harmful products in case of insufficient

RџSЂRё heart and kidney failure consumption of even small amounts of table salt is harmful. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude all products with its content, and in severe cases even bread. So that the food is not bland, you can enrich it with tomatoes.

Avoid dishes with spicy vegetables, lemon juice, and various condiments. Products that cause flatulence in the intestines are excluded.

RџSЂRё liver failure you need to consume proteins and fats of animal origin, as well as:

  • Meat with a high fat content and lard;
  • Artificially created products: margarine and mayonnaise;
  • All types of flour products: rye bread, fresh bread and legumes;
  • All types of fried, canned and smoked products;

For all types of deficiency, you need good nutrition from boiled or steamed products.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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