General description of the disease
Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate. It often occurs as a consequence of a bacterial infection in the body, but it can be caused by a cold, disturbances in sex life, sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, stress, lack of sleep, and poor nutrition.
Types and symptoms of prostatitis
Distinguish sharp and chronic forms of the disease.
Acute prostatitis manifests itself as follows: symptoms of fever, fever, severe pain in the perineum, pain during urination and bowel movements.
The chronic form can be both a consequence of the development of acute and neglected treatment of infectious diseases. In this case, chronic prostatitis may not bother the patient with obvious manifestations. The temperature sometimes rises to 37 ° C, there is systematic pain or discomfort in the perineum, painful sensations when visiting the toilet, one of the very common symptoms of chronic prostatitis is a small discharge from the urethra.
Consequences of prostatitis
If, in the event of acute prostatitis, the patient does not seek qualified help from a urologist, there is a high risk of developing an abscess of the prostate gland with purulent inflammation. Chronic prostatitis, if untreated, can result in a number of complex diseases that lead to infertility.
Useful products for prostatitis
- fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables (melons and watermelons, squash and pumpkin, parsley and lettuce, green peas and cauliflower, cucumbers and tomatoes, beets, potatoes and carrots);
- fermented milk products (bifidok, yogurt, ayran, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, sour cream);
- lean meats and ocean fish;
- a variety of soups (rich broths are undesirable);
- cereals (oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, and others), pasta, spaghetti;
- vegetable fats (olive oil is highly recommended);
- gray bread;
- dried fruits;
- honey.
One of the very important substances in the prevention of prostatitis is zinc, so you need to often eat healthy seafood, pumpkin seeds, which have a lot of zinc, white poultry meat, walnuts and beef. Zinc is also found in eggs, however, eating them, it is recommended not more than one piece a day.
From drinks, it is better to give preference to pure water, compotes and fruit drinks, natural juices, rosehip decoction, jelly.
- 1 dayBreakfast: vegetable salad, boiled egg, oatmeal, berry jelly.
Lunch: fish with vegetable stew, potato soup, fruit.
Dinner: natural fruit juice, vegetable salad, curd casserole.
At night: kefir.
- 2 dayBreakfast: grated carrots with sour cream, rice porridge, compote.
Lunch: vegetable soup and salad, steamed fish with beet puree, fruit jelly.
Dinner: cheese cakes with fruit salad.
At night: curdled milk.
- 3 dayBreakfast: meat cutlets with buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad, berry jelly.
Lunch: vegetarian soup, chicken with noodles, fresh vegetables.
Dinner: carrot cutlets, apples.
At night: fruit juice.
- 4 dayBreakfast: buckwheat milk porridge, vinaigrette.
Lunch: vegetable soup, rabbit stew, vegetable salad.
Dinner: steamed fish with zucchini, fruit.
At night: kefir.
- 5 dayBreakfast: berry compote, milk soup.
Lunch: rice soup, fish soufflé with mashed potatoes, vegetables.
Dinner: fruit salad, curd casserole.
At night: fruit jelly.
- 6 dayBreakfast: jelly, barley porridge.
Lunch: chicken broth, vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge with meatballs, milk jelly.
Dinner: potato casserole, fruit.
At night: fruit juice.
- 7 dayBreakfast: boiled dietary meat, mashed potatoes, vegetable salad, dried fruit compote.
Lunch: dietary cabbage soup, carp with rice, vegetables, fruits.
Dinner: buckwheat porridge, carrot cutlet.
At night: kefir.
Folk remedies for prostatitis
- infusion of red root (two tablespoons per liter of boiling water to insist in a thermos for one hour), take a third of a glass three times a day before meals;
- juice of asparagus, cucumbers, carrots, beets (at least half a liter per day);
- broth of goose cinquefoil (brew the herb in milk);
- infusion of parsley seeds (4 teaspoons of seeds, crushed into powder, in a glass of water, boil for a quarter of an hour) take one tablespoon up to six times a day.
Dangerous and harmful foods for prostatitis
For acute or chronic prostatitis, it is very important when planning your diet to eliminate foods that irritate the prostate. These include: alcohol; salt; salty or spicy foods; various types of smoked meats; foods that provoke flatulence and fermentation in the intestines (cabbage, legumes); animal fats with high cholesterol content (lard, fatty fish and meat, rendered fat); canned meat, fish; offal; sauces, concentrated fish, mushroom, meat broths; flour and pastry products; radish, radish; spices, seasonings and herbs; spinach, sorrel; strong tea, coffee, chocolate, cocoa; carbonated drinks; products that contain artificial additives (stabilizers, sweeteners, colors, emulsifiers).
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