General description of the disease
Obesity is a pathology that occurs in the body and leads to excess fat deposition and, as a result, an increase in body weight. In the modern world, this problem has become one of the most urgent. The number of obese people is increasing every year. The highest rates are observed in developed countries. The rapid growth of people suffering from this deviation has led to the recognition of obesity as a disease that studies endocrinology.
Read how to remove fat in our special section.
The classification of obesity allows you to identify the cause of the occurrence and prevents its further development. This disease is divided:
1. According to the etiological principle:
- hypothalamic;
- iatrogenic;
- alimentary-constitutional;
- endocrine.
2. By the type of adipose tissue deposition:
- gynoid,
- abdominal,
- gluteal femoral,
- mixed.
The main causes of obesity:
- unhealthy food, overeating,
- diabetes,
- lack of sports,
- hormonal disorders
- low metabolic rate,
- diseases of the thyroid gland,
- sedentary lifestyle,
- metabolic disease.
Symptoms due to which you can recognize obesity in time:
- excess body weight;
- elevated blood sugar levels;
- waist circumference for women is more than 90 cm, for men 100 cm;
- shortness of breath;
- excessive appetite;
- fast fatiguability.
Healthy foods for obesity
The main methods of treating obesity include therapeutic exercises and diet. Nutritionists and endocrinologists recommend composing your diet so that the food contains vitamins, proteins, mineral salts and carbohydrates. And nature has created a miracle – products that contain biologically active complexes and useful substances that are so necessary for the good functioning of the human body:
- FishIf you eat it, you can reduce the risk of high blood cholesterol levels. Food and culinary qualities of fish are not inferior to meat. It is rich in nutrients, proteins, fats, extractives and minerals.
- ApplesThey contain 12 vitamins of group B, E, C, P, folic acid and carotene, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iodine, iron, fructose, glucose, sucrose, pectin and dietary fiber. This fruit perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, lowers cholesterol and helps in the fight against obesity.
- Rye flour bread, grain, with branSuch bread contains vitamins, fiber and minerals, which help to reduce blood cholesterol levels, blood pressure, stimulate digestion, and accelerate metabolism.
- CarrotsIt is rich in carotene, vitamins B1, B6, B2, C, B3, E, P, K, PP, potassium, calcium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, cobalt, enzymes, fructose, glucose, lecithin, amino acids, proteins and starch. Carrots prevent the development of tumors and improve blood formation.
- PumpkinIt is ideal for dietary nutrition. Nutritionists recommend including pumpkin in the diet in the treatment of obesity, due to the content of iron, natural antioxidants, vitamins of groups C, B, A, E, PP, K, T and pectin substances in it.
- Black currantThis miracle berry takes good care of the human body, improves metabolism, fights against excess weight and is recommended by doctors in the treatment of obesity. And this is all due to the high content of nutrients, vitamin C, P, iron, manganese, magnesium, tannins and pectin substances and organic acids.
- briarIt contains a lot of vitamins C, P, K, B, carotenoids, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt, chromium, malic and citric acid, tannins and pectin substances. Decoctions from it are recommended by nutritionists, starting with the first stage of obesity. Rosehip perfectly tones up and has a general strengthening effect on the body. This is especially important if the person is on a medicated diet.
- Dried fruitsDried apricots, raisins, apricots, dried apricots, dates, prunes, dried apples, figs and dried pears are an excellent substitute for sugar and all kinds of sweets rich in artificial additives. They contain potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and organic acids. Dried fruits are recommended to be included in the diet to strengthen the nervous system, as well as stimulate hematopoiesis and cleanse the intestines.
- Green teaIt is rich in vitamins and minerals, improves the functioning of the liver, heart, pancreas, kidneys, increases immunity, normalizes blood pressure, improves digestion, cleanses the body of toxins.
- HoneyThis miracle – a product created by bees, increases the body’s immunity and has bactericidal properties. Honey perfectly replaces sugar and contains among its elements almost the entire periodic table.
- BeetrootIt contains a lot of iodine and magnesium, trace elements that normalize the work of blood vessels and metabolism in the body, vitamin U, which improves cholesterol metabolism.This useful vitamin retains its properties even after heat treatment of the product.
Medical advice for obesity:
- fresh bread must be replaced with breadcrumbs,
- fruit should be eaten with a peel rich in vitamins,
- it is better to cook, bake or stew products,
- eat boiled eggs, fish, meat,
- do not add frying to soups,
- include sprouted cereal seeds and tomato juice in the daily diet,
- drink water only two hours after eating,
- do fasting days once a week,
- go in for sports every day and walk in the fresh air.
Traditional medicine recipes to combat obesity:
- 1 glass of broth of parsley must be drunk during the day,
- white cabbage juice is useful,
- infusions of herb wormwood, knotweed, buckthorn bark, common fennel seeds, dandelion roots, peppermint leaves,
- ginger tea,
- baths with birch leaves, cinquefoil goose leaves, grass and chamomile flowers, nettle, knotweed, dandelion, horsetail, burdock root and leaves, creeping wheatgrass rhizomes, which are taken after the bath, are excellent anti-obesity baths.
Dangerous and harmful foods for obesity
Along with healthy products, there are harmful ones that should be excluded from the diet or limited to their use. The main ones include:
- Refined sugarThis product is processed from ordinary beets and sugar cane. It contains neither dietary fiber, nor vitamins, nor nutrients. It is very high in calories, reduces the body’s resistance to external factors and contributes to obesity
- SausageThis product is rich in artificial food additives, carcinogens and monosodium glutamate. All this can seriously undermine the health of the body.
- MargarineIt is a surrogate containing hydrogenated, synthetic fats, preservatives, emulsifiers, dyes, and trans fats. All of these components are very high in calories, toxic and tend to accumulate in the body.
- MayonnaiseIt contains vinegar, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sodium, flavorings, and colors. And, as a consequence, the use of mayonnaise leads to serious illnesses, including metabolic disorders and obesity.
- Stock cubes and instant soupsSuch products are made up of a lot of chemistry, food additives, flavor enhancers, acidity regulators, dyes, and a lot of salt. They contribute to the accumulation of water and poor drainage from the body.
- Fast foodIt is rich in synthetic fats, salt, artificial additives, carcinogens, causing heart attack, cancer, hormonal imbalance, obesity.
- Carbonated drinksThey are rich in sugar, artificial additives, various acids, soda and carcinogens.
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