General description of the disease
Neurosis refers to a disease of the psychogenic group, which is characterized by mental disorders.
Read also our dedicated article nutrition for nerves.
Psychological signs of neurosis:
- constant dissatisfaction;
- bad, gloomy mood;
- the person is picky and irritated;
- decreased appetite;
- bad and disturbing sleep;
- insomnia;
- an unreasonable feeling of anxiety / fear;
- tearfulness;
- prolonged depression.
The neurosis can also occur in a latent form (for example, the autonomic system is involved).
Signs of such a neurosis can be:
- 1 rapid heart rate or, on the contrary, the heart seems to “freeze”;
- 2 problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
- 3 can throw in heat, cold;
- 4 blood pressure surges;
- 5 the presence of seizures;
- 6 irritable bowel syndrome;
- 7 lump in throat.
Causes of neurosis:
- unresolved internal conflicts;
- dissatisfaction with the employed position in society;
- fast life rhythm;
- psychological trauma, stress;
- desires do not coincide with possibilities;
- incorrect display and awareness of reality;
- there is no ability to properly get out of stressful situations;
- physical overwork, exhaustion of the body;
- weak willpower.
Types of neurosis:
- hysterical (manifested in the form of ostentatious tantrums and psychological seizures if a person does not get what he wants);
- neurasthenic (a person wants to achieve success in life and makes every effort for this, which causes physical and psychological exhaustion. It manifests itself in the form of loss of perseverance, inattention, increased irritability, sleep disturbances, sudden fits of anger);
- fear (often occurs after severe emotional shocks, for example, the death of a loved one, a robbery, a break in relationships, dismissal from work. A variety of phobias can develop due to obsessive fear);
- obsession (the main reason is the presence of internal conflicts that constantly disturb and disturb a person, this condition sometimes leads to a split personality).
Useful products for neurosis
Neuroses arise from an insufficient amount of folic acid in the body, the presence of which is responsible for the level of serotonin in the brain (in other words, the “hormone of happiness”). The following products can restore (fill) the lack of this hormone:
- 1 bananas;
- 2 greens (nettle leaves, lettuce, turnips, spinach, sorrel);
- 3 any varieties of cabbage;
- 4 asparagus and asparagus beans;
- 5 citrus;
- 6 liver (veal);
- 7 Brewer’s yeast.
In depression, there is a lack of vitamin B6, which is also necessary for the formation of the “hormone of happiness”. Vitamin B6 can be found in foods such as:
- shrimp;
- fish (salmon, mackerel, sardine, herring);
- sunflower seeds;
- hazelnuts (hazelnuts are especially useful);
- chicken meat;
- lentils;
- bananas;
- liver (beef);
- vegetable oil (flaxseed, olive, sunflower).
The cause of neurosis is also a lack of vitamin C, which can be replenished by using:
- 1 citrus;
- 2 Red pepper;
- 3 garlic;
- 4 bow;
- 5 spinach;
- 6 parsnip (sowing);
- 7 sauerkraut;
- 8 rosehip (decoctions, compotes from it);
- 9 kiwi;
- 10 currant;
- 11 sea buckthorn.
Traditional medicine for neurosis
Tip # 1
A good folk remedy for neurosis is the following mixture, for the preparation of which you need 100 milliliters of wine (mandatory red varieties), 10 grams of sugar and one egg (raw and preferably homemade). Everything should be mixed well to get a homogeneous mass. Take twice a day for three days (in the morning – 20 minutes before meals and at night), then stop taking it for two days and after them – drink this mixture for three more days.
Tip # 2
With neurosis, decoctions from:
- valerian;
- motherwort;
- peony;
- St. John’s wort;
- oregano;
- hop cones;
- plantain;
- peppermint;
- lemon balm;
Scented pillows made from these herbs (as a filler – a selected herb from the above herbs) will also be a good helper.
Tip # 3
In the fight against neurosis, rubbing of red wine, garlic juice in combination with cognac helps. They need to spread on the forehead and temples.
Also, in folk medicine for the treatment of neurosis, it is said that in the morning you need to eat an onion.
Dangerous and harmful foods for neurosis
- foods that contain table sugar in excess (it contributes to the progression of depression, a bad mood, excessive fatigue);
- excessive consumption of animal fats, mayonnaise, margarine (vitamins and minerals cannot be absorbed normally, metabolism may be disturbed);
- alcoholic beverages (alcohol aggravates depression, depression and dissatisfaction come to replace a good mood);
- coffee, strong black tea, soda (with neurosis, caffeine is harmful, which has an exciting effect on a person and, as a result, the appearance of aggression);
- reduce the consumption of foods with starch (corn, potatoes, flour made from premium flour). These foods contain easily digestible carbohydrates that trigger the release of insulin. As a result, glycemia appears, due to which excessive fatigue appears, the head is spinning, and a broken state is observed.
The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!