General description of the disease
Neuritis is an inflammatory process of the nerves of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which is accompanied not only by painful sensations, but also characterized by loss of sensitivity, paralysis and paresis.
Read also our dedicated article nutrition for nerves.
The type of neuritis depends on the type of nerve that is damaged. The following nerves may be affected:
- femoral;
- sciatic;
- ray;
- median;
- facial;
- peroneal and tibial;
- brachial nerve (otherwise called “plexitis”);
- elbow;
- spinal (sciatica).
Also, the type of neuritis depends on the number of inflamed nerves:
- polyneuritis (affected nerves – two or more);
- mononeuritis (only one nerve is inflamed).
The causes of neuritis are divided into external and internal.
External reasons include:
- 1 a variety of injuries and injuries;
- 2 pinching of peripheral nerves;
- 3 any poisoning of the body (low-quality or improperly prepared foods, it can also be alcohol or drug poisoning).
The causes of internal neuritis include:
- disruptions in the metabolic processes of the body;
- carrying a child (pregnancy);
- endocrinological diseases;
- diabetes;
- gout;
- overweight;
- rheumatism;
- transfer of infectious diseases;
- genetic predisposition.
Symptoms that give out neuritis:
- 1 acute pain in the area of nerve damage;
- 2 the musculoskeletal system is disturbed, sometimes it comes to paralysis;
- 3 sensitivity decreases;
- 4 muscles partially atrophy;
- 5 feeling of weakness and malaise;
- 6 mild colic in the area of innervation of the peripheral nerve;
- 7 numbness of the affected area.
Useful foods for neuritis
With this disease, the patient should pay great attention to his diet. He should take a complete food rich in vitamins and minerals.
In the treatment of neuritis, it is very important to receive the necessary amounts of vitamin B. It is found in yeast (brewer’s), pork, cereals such as oatmeal and buckwheat, legumes (beans, peas), bread baked from wheat flour. A large amount of vitamin B6 is found in the liver (especially in beef), boiled kidneys, egg yolk, and dairy products.
With regard to drinks, the patient should drink the daily rate of fluid. Most preferable – fresh fruits and vegetables. Carrot juice is worth highlighting.
Also, you need to eat a lot of fresh berries, fruits, vegetables. There are no particular restrictions.
The main thing is not to eat foods that are contraindicated directly to the patient (if diabetes mellitus, monitor the sugar level, do not abuse sucrose and fructose, if you are allergic to any product, limit its consumption to a minimum or refuse altogether).
Folk remedies
Tip # 1
At the initial stage of neuritis, a compress made of hot salt or sand, which should be placed in a cloth bag, will be a good method of getting rid of pain and inflammation.
Tip # 2
With neuritis of the facial nerve, it is necessary to do a special treated gymnastics.
For recovery:
- 1 raise and lower your eyebrows, try to move them;
- 2 puff out your cheeks, stretch your lips, twist them with a bow, a tube;
- 3 move your jaw left and right;
- 4 tilt and hold your head for a while, then left and right, then back and forth;
- 5 blink your eyes quickly.
These simple movements are effective when done regularly. It is necessary to carry out such training as often as possible.
Tip # 3
Chamomile is a good sedative. Ointments or compresses are made from it.
Tip # 4
Linden flowers are a tonic, anti-inflammatory treatment for neuritis. They will also help get rid of the uncomfortable sensations that arise during illness.
Tip # 5
Places where nerves are inflamed should be rubbed with fresh juice from horseradish leaves and black radish. You can make compresses from this juice.
Tip # 6
During the illness with neuritis, it is not possible to sleep normally in any way – the constant cutting pain, discomfort disturbs. To normalize sleep and as a sedative for the nerves, decoctions of motherwort, hawthorn, peony or valerian will help well. These decoctions can be drunk individually or as a collection. Also, these herbs are effective in treating neuritis of the facial nerve. The collection of these herbs should be taken 3 months before bedtime. It helps to relax the muscles, which is necessary.
Tip # 7
As a rub for neuritis, the following is perfect:
- fir oil;
- mummy;
- wormwood tincture;
- ointment made from green poplar buds.
Tip # 8
For various types of neuritis, baths are taken, when taking which you can add:
- bran;
- oak bark;
- walnut leaves;
- sage;
- linden flowers.
It is worth remembering that the water should not be made too hot. It should be warm. In the treatment of neuritis, not only baths are useful, but also baths for hands and feet.
After these procedures, it is advisable to make compresses from honey with onions or from sand (salt). Hot cakes can be applied to the sore spot.
Dangerous and harmful foods for neuritis
With neuritis, it is necessary to limit the amount of salty, fried, fatty foods. These foods interfere with the intake of vitamins and minerals.
Smoking and alcohol consumption are prohibited. These bad habits can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!