General description of the disease
Mononucleosis is an infectious disease that manifests itself in the form of fever, with it the lymph nodes become inflamed, the composition of the blood changes, the liver and spleen suffer, and their increase is also observed.
Read also our dedicated articles Nutrition for Lymph and Cleansing the Lymph Nodes and Ducts.
Mononucleosis is caused by a virus that belongs to the herpes family. They call it differently: DNA-genomic, Epstein-Barr.
Source: patient, carrier of the virus and close contact with such people.
Transfer method:
- 1 airborne – through coughing, sneezing;
- 2 contact (through saliva) – transmitted through kisses, intimate communication, hands, household items, toys;
- 3 transmissible (blood transfusion).
Incubation period: 5-25 days.
Aggravation: autumn-winter.
Age category:
- female gender (from 14-16 years old);
- male gender (16-18 years old);
- by the age of 25-35, immunity to this virus is developed (this does not happen if a person is HIV-infected, in such a group the Epstein-Barr virus can be activated regardless of age).
- 1 proceeds in the form of tonsillitis, bronchitis, tracheitis;
- 2 heat;
- 3 aching bones, muscles;
- 4 weakness;
- 5 increased sweating;
- 6 severe headache, often turning into a migraine;
- 7 lymph nodes become inflamed, their size increases, sometimes it comes to the point that one lymph node turns into several (chain);
- 8 the liver and spleen may enlarge (both separately and together);
- 9 herpes;
- 10 frequent respiratory diseases.
- Infectious mononucleosis;
- icteric mononucleosis (rare form).
In addition to these forms, acute and chronic mononucleosis are distinguished.
Useful foods for mononucleosis
With mononucleosis, the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins is most often disturbed, which must be balanced and maintained. For humans, the optimal proportion of the first three components listed above is 1 to 1 to 4. This means that 10 grams of fat and 10 grams of carbohydrates should be consumed per 40 grams of protein.
For patients with infectious mononucleosis, a large amount of vitamins is needed to recover and improve immunity. Most of all A, C, B, P.
To do this, it is worth eating foods that contain all the necessary vitamin complex:
- 1 Drinks: compotes, jelly, juices from fruits, berries and tomatoes, decoctions from rose hips, weakly brewed tea, coffee with milk.
- 2 Flour: doctor’s, wheat and rye bread, but only yesterday’s or toasted, uncooked biscuits.
- 3 Dairy products: milk, condensed milk, cottage cheese (not fatty), not a large amount of sour cream, hard cheese (Dutch, Russian and other types of cheeses, except for spicy).
- 4 Oils: vegetable and butter (no more than 50 grams per day).
- 5 Low-fat meat and products from it: poultry, rabbit, beef (not fat). You can use it both in boiled and baked, stewed form, you can still use milk sausages.
- 6 The fish is also not fatty: navaga, pike perch, cod, pike, hake (silver). Steam or boil.
- 7 Porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat, rice. Pasta.
- 8 Fresh vegetables without limits.
- 9 Fresh fruits and berries (except sour ones).
- 10 Greens: dill, parsley, lettuce.
- 11 Eggs (minimum 2 times a week, maximum one egg a day), cooked in the form of an omelet.
- 12 Jam, honey, sugar in moderation.
Traditional methods of treating mononucleosis
In order to quickly get rid of infectious mononucleosis, it is necessary, in addition to proper nutrition, to carry out phytotherapy with medicinal and useful herbs. The full course of herbal treatment is two to three weeks (depending on the severity of the disease).
For recovery, you should drink infusions and decoctions from the following herbal collections:
- mother-and-stepmother, succession, yarrow, chamomile, immortelle, calendula (flowers);
- burdock (root), marshmallow, coltsfoot leaves, elecampane, chamomile and calendula flowers;
- edelweiss, thistle, burdock roots, elecampane, chicory (you can also grass), cornflower (flowers).
Each type of herb must be taken in equal amounts.
The procedure for preparing any of the decoctions
Take the herbs from the collection you like (dry), mix, chop, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, pour into a thermos (water + herbs) and leave to infuse overnight.
You need to drink the broth in half a glass 30 minutes before a meal. Sugar and honey can be added.
Dangerous and harmful foods for mononucleosis
- Fresh bread and baked goods (pancakes, pancakes, pies (fried)).
- Culinary lard and fat.
- Soup cooked in a broth of mushrooms, meat, fish.
- Fatty meat: pork, lamb, duck, goose.
- Fish (fatty) – catfish, sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon.
- Preservation, marinades.
- Caviar and canned fish.
- Hard boiled and fried eggs.
- Spicy (pepper, horseradish, mustard).
- Alcohol.
- Sour fruits and vegetables (e.g. cranberries, viburnum).
- Confectionery made from chocolate and cream (cakes, pastries, chocolate itself), also ice cream.
- Carbonated sweet drinks.
- Cocoa, strong black coffee.
- Legumes, mushrooms, radishes, radishes, green onions, spinach, sorrel.
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