Nutrition for cytomegalovirus

General description of the disease


Cytomegalovirus, or CMV infection, is a virus that contains DNA and resembles herpes in its structure. If it gets into the human body once, it will remain there forever. In the presence of good immunity, the virus will be “under control”, but if it decreases, the infection is activated. Therefore, it is necessary to be especially attentive to your body for people suffering from AIDS, oncology, as well as pregnant women.

Causes and ways of infection

The virus is highly contagious and is transmitted by:

  • By airborne droplets or by household contact;
  • Sexually;
  • With blood transfusion, organ transplantation, through non-sterile surgical instruments;
  • From mother to child in utero or during childbirth;
  • It is possible for a newborn to become infected during breastfeeding.


Symptoms of cytomegalovirus appear in the period from 3 weeks to 2 months, and they are very similar to the symptoms of SARS. The following signs can indicate the presence of a virus in the body:

  1. 1 Temperature increase;
  2. 2 General weakness and fatigue;
  3. 3 Profuse salivation, tonsils may become inflamed;
  4. 4 Development of inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  5. 5 Headaches, body aches are possible;
  6. 6 Vegetative-vascular disorders may appear;
  7. 7 In especially advanced cases, inflammation of the internal organs is possible.


There are several types of cytomegalovirus, namely:

  • Congenital CMV infection is the most dangerous;
  • The acute form of CMV infection – proceeds in a form similar to the common cold;
  • Generalized form of CMV infection – causes inflammatory processes in human organs;

Useful foods for cytomegalovirus

People suffering from cytomegalovirus infection should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy and balanced in order to have a good, strong body and immunity, resistant to disease. Such people have an increased risk of contracting fungal and bacterial infections, so they should get as much nutrients as possible and try to strengthen their body.

  • It is useful to drink as much liquid as possible (at least 1.5 liters per day) in order to protect the body from dehydration.
  • It is important to eat chicken, yogurt, cottage cheese, turkey, wheat, corn, potatoes, eggs, lentils, as they contain lysine. Judging by the results of recent clinical studies, its daily use halves the frequency of exacerbations of the disease and reduces the activation of the virus.
  • It is useful to eat fruits and vegetables, fish, chicken breast, legumes, eggs, as they contain amino acids useful for the immune system.
  • It is also beneficial to eat rose hips, bell peppers, black currants, kiwi, Brussels sprouts and broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries, citrus fruits, spinach due to the vitamin C content of these products. It not only helps to boost immunity, but also reduces the effects of the virus.
  • Eating almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, dried apricots, wheat, rose hips, walnuts, squid, spinach, salmon, pike perch, oatmeal, prunes, barley grits increases the intake of vitamin E into the body, which increases its protective functions and accelerates wound healing.
  • Eating liver, processed cheese, beef, peanuts, beans, peas, lamb, pork, turkey, buckwheat, barley is enriched with zinc. And he, in turn, has antiviral and antitoxic properties, fights infection and reduces the frequency of exacerbations of the disease.
  • Tuna, beef liver, herring, beets, capelin, mackerel, shrimp, flounder, carp, crucian carp, duck meat, barley are useful, as they contain chromium, which reduces feelings of anxiety, fatigue and stress, thereby removing one of the causes of the disease …
  • Liver, rice, nuts, dairy products, eggs, fish, green vegetables, fruits, yeast baked goods, oatmeal are good for you, as they contain a set of B vitamins, which have general strengthening properties and also support emotional health.
  • It is important to eat butter, feta cheese, seaweed, oysters, cottage cheese, sweet potatoes, processed cheese, animal liver, as they contain vitamin A, which not only enhances immunity, but also has anti-infectious properties.
  • Corn, oatmeal, pistachios, cod, chicken eggs, sour cream, cream, strawberries, barley grits, beef and pork liver are beneficial because of the high content of vitamin H, which supports immunity and helps the body fight stress.
  • Peanuts, turkey, pistachios, squid, beef, chicken and rabbit meat, salmon, sardines, mackerel, horse mackerel, pike, peas enrich the body with vitamin PP, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, prevents stress and, as a result, exacerbation of the disease.
  • Also useful is the use of spinach, buckwheat, pistachios, barley, oatmeal, corn, pigeon meat, as they are rich in iron. It in turn protects the body from bacteria and helps in the formation of protective immune cells.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cytomegalovirus

In case of cytomegalovirus disease, herbal preparations help:

  1. 1 It is necessary to take the roots of licorice, penny, leuzea, chamomile flowers, alder cones and grass in equal proportions and grind them in a meat grinder. Then 4 tbsp. l of the resulting mixture, pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist in a thermos overnight. Take ¼ glass 3 times a day.
  2. 2 You can also take the herb of string, thyme, leuzea roots, burnet, wild rosemary shoots, birch buds and yarrow grass in equal proportions and grind in a meat grinder. Repeat the preparation and application of the infusion according to the above recipe.
  3. 3 Take 2 parts (tsp) of the root of badan, calamus and peony, 3 tsp of elecampane root and 4 tsp of licorice root and rowan fruits. Repeat the preparation and application of the infusion according to the above recipe.
  4. 4 You can also prepare a collection of 2 hours of oregano herb, plantain leaves and coltsfoot, 3 hours of currant leaves, raspberries, wormwood herb, licorice roots, 4 hours of cherry fruits. The preparation and application is the same.
  5. 5 Take 1 teaspoon of primrose roots, lungwort herb, dill seeds, violet flowers, plantain leaves, nettle and birch, 2 teaspoons of meadowsweet flowers and succession herbs, 3 teaspoons of raspberry leaves and rose hips. The preparation and application is the same.

Dangerous and harmful products with cytomegalovirus

  • With cytomegalovirus, it is forbidden to eat fatty foods, since they can cause an exacerbation of the disease due to the high content of cholesterol, which leads to a weakening of immunity by reducing the formation of leukocytes.
  • It is forbidden to eat a lot of sweets, chocolate, sweets, sugar, sugary carbonated drinks, since such products slow down the absorption of vitamins C, B, thereby provoking a weakening of the immune system.
  • The use of alcohol is also prohibited, as it has a toxic effect on the cells of the body and significantly reduces immunity.
  • It is not advisable to eat a lot of spicy, salty foods, as they also provoke exacerbations of the disease.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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