General description of the disease
Tooth decay is a dental disease in which hard tissues gradually soften and disintegrate and a cavity appears.
Read also our dedicated article on Nutrition for Dental Health.
The main reasons for the formation of caries:
- Poor ecological situation (for example, in the village there is bad water – insufficient amount of fluorine).
- Heredity (a person inherited a bad dental bone from relatives).
- The mother was eating improperly or illnesses suffered during pregnancy.
- Smoking.
- Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
- Improper nutrition (excessive consumption of confectionery, flour products, insufficient amounts of vitamins, trace elements, phosphorus, calcium enter the body).
- A person does not eat raw vegetables and fruits (they help to get rid of food residues on the teeth. It is the remaining food, during its decomposition, that begins to soften the hard tooth tissues).
Caries symptoms
Usually, in the early stages of development, no painful or unpleasant sensations are observed. Over time, a small yellowish spot can be seen on the crown of the tooth, which indicates changes in the enamel of the tooth. If you do not turn to a specialist in time, the disease will develop (a cavity will appear, the tooth will decay to the very nerve endings. Then a toothache sets in.)
Caries by the depth of its course can be divided into 2 groups.
Group 1 – Uncomplicated caries, which goes through 4 stages and is divided into 2 subspecies.
1. Tooth crown caries, at which the following is distinguished:
- spot stage – where the process of tooth demineralization began, its surface lost its shine, became loose and yellowish (with proper treatment and nutrition, this process may stop);
- superficial caries – a small depression appears and it is necessary to put a seal;
- average – dentin begins to be affected, the cavity becomes larger and deeper, painful sensations begin to arise;
- dickey – there is a deep cavity, with temperature drops, acute pain occurs; if you do not start treatment, caries goes into more severe stages, which entail the loss of a tooth.
2. Cervical caries – is formed near the gums, or rather near the neck of the tooth. The above 4 stages also go through.
Group 2 – Complicated caries, which is manifested by the occurrence of:
- pulpitis – an inflammatory process of the pulp (tooth nerve);
- periodontitis is an inflammatory process of the periodontal (connective tissue, which is located between the bone bed and the tooth).
Useful products for caries
To prevent and get rid of caries, it is necessary to eat foods that contain fluoride, calcium and vitamin D. These elements are responsible for the strength of the tooth structure, its growth and preservation. Calcium in combination with fluoride helps to strengthen the dental bone. For better absorption of calcium, an indispensable helper is vitamin D and phosphorus. Therefore, you need to eat more:
- lactic acid products: cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, butter, kefir, yogurt, yogurt, various types of cheese (including processed cheese and feta cheese);
- nuts: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts;
- porridge: oatmeal, barley, semolina;
- legumes: beans, peas;
- mustard seeds;
- garlic;
- chicken eggs;
- liver (pork and beef);
- sea and fish products: sea bass, mackerel, haddock, capelin, pink salmon, mullet, pollock, ruff, hake, tuna, cod, oysters, flounder, crabs, shrimp, squid;
- hard fresh vegetables and fruits (they help to clean the enamel from plaque and food debris) – cucumbers, cabbage, radishes, carrots, apples, pears.
Traditional medicine for caries
In the fight and prevention of caries such “grandmother’s advice” will help:
- Toothpaste or tooth powder should be replaced with milk powder. It removes the unpleasant odor, the gums stop bleeding, the process of tooth decay and the formation of stones slows down.
- Sage broth. One tablespoon of sage herb is needed for a glass of hot water. It takes an hour to insist. After that, rinse your mouth, you can moisten a cotton swab and apply it to a sore tooth. This broth has antiseptic properties (sage kills germs and bacteria, and also stops the development of caries).
- Propolis is a strong enemy of caries. You need to take a piece of propolis, chew until honey comes out, then put the wax into the cavity formed from caries, cover with a cotton swab, and hold it for 30 minutes.
- Teeth cleaning with soapy water from laundry soap. You usually need to brush your teeth, like with toothpaste. Rinse your throat well after the procedure. What’s the secret? With such cleaning, gammoglobulin gets into (it fights various bacteria, fungi and viruses).
- Decoctions of calamus and onion peels, which you need to rinse your mouth with, will become good helpers.
- Healing lotions with fir oil and camphor alcohol. Moisten a cotton swab with these liquids and leave for a few minutes.
- For severe toothache, garlic paste will help for a while. Take a few cloves of garlic, squeeze through the garlic clove. Moisten a cotton ball with the mixture. Apply to the aching tooth until it stops hurting.
Dangerous and harmful products for caries
- sugar, chocolate (especially milk), preserves, jams, marmalades, donuts and other confectionery products in large quantities (if you constantly crave sweets, this means that the required amount of calcium does not enter the body, and a lack of calcium is the most common cause of tooth decay );
- salt and coffee (seemingly different categories of products, but they share the same abilities – they interfere with the absorption of useful vitamins and minerals);
- soft, dry food (most likely that such dishes will remain on the teeth and will decompose);
- sugary drinks (especially carbonated; soda – eats away the enamel);
- dry mixes of nuts and fruits;
- poor quality water.
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