General description of the disease
Drug addiction is a disease that arises from the constant use of drugs.
Signs of addiction
- 1 Pupils do not respond to light.
- 2 Pallor.
- 3 Excessive appetite (especially when using cannabis), but at the same time being very thin.
- 4 The mood changes sharply regardless of the situation, the behavior does not correspond to the prevailing situation.
- 5 Incomprehensible colloquial speech.
- 6 A sloppy appearance, regardless of the weather, patients dress, mainly so that no injection marks are visible (therefore, they often wear a long sleeve).
- 7 The presence of large debts and stuffed things.
- 8 In the apartment you can find tourniquets, syringes, drugs of unknown origin, so-called brands (they look like ordinary pictures, on top of which there is a layer of narcotic substance).
- 9 The appearance of various injuries and burns (being in a state of intoxication, drug addicts do not feel pain).
- 10 Inhibited reaction and thinking.
Reasons for drug use:
- heredity;
- growth in an unfavorable family environment;
- weakness;
- following fashion trends;
- all sorts of troubles and problems from which you want to run away.
Useful products for addiction
In case of drug addiction, it is very important that the food is high in calories, but not too fatty and heavy. This is due to the fact that almost all drug addicts have severe depletion of the body and all organs suffer from drugs. It is necessary to choose a cleansing food that will help remove all toxins and toxins from the body.
The list of healthy products and prepared dishes from them:
- 1 flour products: bran, grain, wheat-rye and simply rye bread, bread;
- 2 soups: it is advisable to cook vegetarian (vegetable), you can fish and chicken (it is better to cook pork – very fatty), very healthy milk soups;
- 3 fish, meat (not fatty varieties), liver, seafood and dishes prepared from them;
- 4 fresh vegetables and vegetable side dishes (there are no restrictions, everything that is and what the patient loves), it is imperative to include cabbage (both fresh and sauerkraut), pumpkin and Jerusalem artichoke in the diet;
- 5 cereals: rice, pearl barley, millet, wheat, oatmeal (cooked as a side dish or in milk);
- 6 pasta and noodles;
- 7 chicken eggs (you need to cook soft-boiled or steam an omelette);
- 8 dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, fresh sour cream (not sour), cream, not spicy cheese;
- 9 fresh berries and fruits, as well as jelly, compotes, uzvars, jellies, mousses, compotes, preserves and marmalades made from them;
- 10 drinks: freshly squeezed juices (the most useful are beetroot and carrot juice), rosehip decoction, weak tea, compotes;
- 11 oil: corn, sunflower, olive;
- 12 butter;
- 13 greens: parsley, dill, green onions;
- 14 melt water (it is perfectly absorbed by the cell membrane and the walls of blood vessels, which contributes to the rapid elimination of toxins).
Food intake should be carried out in fractional parts (at least 5-6 times a day).
Folk remedies for the treatment of drug addiction
In folk medicine, medicinal herbs are isolated, which are considered against narcotic, these are:
- walnut sheets;
- field horsetail;
- flax seeds;
- elecampane;
- immortelle;
- stinging nettle;
- Melissa;
- hawthorn;
- sundew.
From these herbs you need to prepare infusions and decoctions, you can combine them in healing fees.
An example of a treatment fee for addiction
You will need:
- motherwort;
- tansy;
- mint;
- calendula (flowers);
- rose hips;
- field horsetail;
- chamomile (flowers);
- licorice (its root);
- buckthorn (bark);
- Oak bark;
- hawthorn;
- sage;
- calamus root;
- eucalyptus (leaves);
- St. John’s wort;
- a series of.
Take a tablespoon of each ingredient (already chopped before), mix. From the resulting collection, take 2 tablespoons and place in a thermos, pour half liters of hot water over the floor. Let it brew overnight. Filter in the morning. Drink a third of a glass of this broth. You can add honey or rosehip syrup to it.
Also, therapeutic massage, acupuncture and hypnosis are considered effective methods of combating drug addiction.
Dangerous and harmful products for drug addiction
- fatty meats;
- spice;
- spicy and spicy, fried foods;
- alcoholic beverages;
- tobacco;
- chips, crackers, fast foods, convenience foods and instant food;
- bouillon cubes;
- strong tea;
- coffee;
- sweet soda;
- puff pastry buns;
- confectionery cream (store);
- margarine;
- sausages and sausages;
- pickles, canned cucumbers and tomatoes (pickled);
- vinegar.
All these products clog the walls of blood vessels, which makes it difficult to remove toxins from the body.
In no case should the patient be allowed to overeat, no matter how skinny he was. Overeating puts a lot of stress on the gastrointestinal tract, liver, the functioning of which is already impaired due to the intake of drugs.
The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!