Not love: a pair of foods that cannot be combined

These product combinations are familiar to us. But nutritionists insist to break the patterns and revise their diet, because the components of these duets prevent each other from fully absorbing.

Pasta and meat 

Naval pasta, lasagna – such a combination, according to scientists, is capable of provoking the development of diabetes mellitus. Starchy carbohydrates are converted to sugar, and in reaction with protein can cause spikes in blood sugar. Do not overuse this combination of products, but use it only as a gastronomic exception.


Coffee and cheese sandwiches

Many people know breakfast, especially when there is no time to cook a full one. Caffeine does not help the absorption of calcium, which is found in dairy products, so this combination is simply useless.

Dairy products and bananas

The habit of making a banana-based smoothie with milk or yogurt can be a ruin for your beautiful figure. Dairy products increase the calorie content of bananas and interfere with digestion. Instead of lightness throughout the body, you will feel a heaviness in the stomach.

Buckwheat and milk

Often such a dish is offered in the children’s menu, although it has nothing to do with proper nutrition. Iron, which is rich in buckwheat, is not absorbed at all together with calcium from milk. Foods neutralize each other’s benefits and not a single element is absorbed in the end.

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