- The “No Excuse Mom” push mothers to play sports
- A community of mutual aid between mothers …
- Training in Paris
- Very motivated moms
- Babies are in the game
- Camille Limousin, president of the No Excuse Mom France association and European regional manager of the movement
- Jessica Salvat, leader in Orléans and communication officer for the association
- Lisa Saci, co-founder, secretary of the association, leader in Paris
- Maria Kang surrounded by Camille Limousin and Vanessa Lynn Campos (VCN Fitness), coach and pro fitness of No Excuse Mom
- The photo that ignited the powder
The “No Excuse Mom” push mothers to play sports
At the end of 2013, the photo of Maria Kang, a young American fitness teacher, sparked an uproar on the web. In the photo in question, the young woman proudly displayed in sportswear a slender and muscular body with her three children at her feet, aged 3, 2 and 8 months respectively. The photo bore the caption “What’s your excuse?” “A speech that is to say the least guilty which at the time had received much criticism. However, according to the main interested party, the purpose of this photo was absolutely not to make women uncomfortable with their bodies, but on the contrary to encourage them to take charge of themselves. The “No Excuse Mom” movement was born.
Today, the association brings together thousands of American women from all walks of life determined to adopt an irreproachable hygiene of life. On their constantly growing Facebook group, nearly 40 mothers talk to each other every day, support each other, post photos of their weight loss, and share fitness videos. The “No Excuse Mom” organize meetings, fitness classes and each region now has its manager and leaders. At the end of 000, Maria Kang returned to the forefront with a calendar of 2014 sports moms. And proof of the sincerity of the fitness mom’s approach, real women, with their stretch marks, their extra pounds, were in the spotlight.
A community of mutual aid between mothers …
In Europe and especially in France, the “No Excuse Mom” movement is also starting to make people talk about it. ” When my son was born at the end of 2013, I found myself on maternity leave at home, alone, with more than 30 kg to lose to regain my previous size and not the slightest idea where to start, says Camille Limousin, European manager some movement. I stumbled across Maria Kang’s blog and thought to myself if she can do it, then why can’t I? I signed up for the American Facebook group and found the steps taken by these moms to be absolutely brilliant. With the support of the American group, Camille therefore decides to develop the movement in France. Success is at the rendezvous. In a few months, the French “No Excuse Mom” Facebook group has grown from 100 to nearly 400 members. As with their American counterparts, the mothers who find themselves in the group post training ideas and nutrition advice and above all motivate themselves.
From virtual to real, there is only one step. “We offered the mothers of the group training sessions on Skype every week with each of us and we started to organize free physical meetings in the parks in Bordeaux, Paris and Orléans,” says Camille Limousin. Now we reach 10 people minimum at each session! “For the young woman, who today ensures that she feels much better, the primary goal of” No Excuse Mom “is not to push mothers to lose weight, but rather to help them regain a healthy weight and a body. healthy by adopting good lifestyle habits. “Tens of thousands of women took charge of their lives thanks to Maria Kang, and who thank life every day for having chosen to abandon their excuses. “