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Nilogrin belongs to a group of drugs that dilate peripheral blood vessels. Its active ingredient is nicergoline. It is a prescription drug and can only be obtained with a prescription. It is presented as film-coated tablets and is available in strengths of 10 mg and 30 mg. It is not a reimbursed drug. Various pack sizes are currently available: a 10 mg dose in packs of 30, 50 and 60, and a 30 mg dose available in packs of 30.

How does Nilogrin work?

Nicergoline is a semi-synthetic substance derived from the ergoline ergoline ergot alkaloid. It works through vasodilation, i.e. the relaxation of the smooth muscle of the walls blood vessels. As a result of this actions peripheral expand blood vessels. The most essential action used in medicine is influence Nilogrinus on the cerebral vessels. It not only extends them, but also increases the use of oxygen and glucose by brain cells, significantly improving their metabolism. This is important in the treatment of cerebral circulation disorders caused by atherosclerosis, blood clots and embolism. Nilogrin is a drug used in the treatment of concentration disorders, mild senile dementia and vasomotor migraine headaches. It is also recommended in the management of diseases affecting the limbs, e.g. Buerger’s disease – it is a thrombo-occlusive vasculitis in which the lumen of the arteries is closed mainly in the legs, in Raynaud’s disease (paroxysmal contractions of the arteries mainly in the hands), in arteriopathy of the limbs . Nilogrin it also has a significant therapeutic effect in the treatment of circulatory disorders in the eyeball and in the inner ear – e.g. in case of tinnitus, dizziness.

Nilogrin should be taken before a meal.

Find out when it’s best to take heart medications

Contraindications and precautions

Use Nilogrinus is not allowed during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is also not given to children.

It can affect the ability to drive and impair psychomotor performance.

Ruthless a contraindication do application the drug is hypersensitive to nicergoline or any of the auxiliary components of the drug. Nilogrinus you can’t also use in the case of such ailments as: cerebral haemorrhage, hypotension, orthostatic pressure drops, severe bradycardia, recent post-infarction condition.

In patients taking medication for hypertension, concomitant intake of nicergoline may reduce blood pressure too much and should be closely monitored – doses of antihypertensive drugs may need to be reduced. Nilogrin it may also enhance the effect of anticoagulants, as it also reduces platelet aggregation. Please inform your doctor carefully about the medications you are taking, because contraindicated is simultaneous use Nilogrinus with α- or β-adrenomimetic drugs. Caution should be exercised when taking drugs that affect uric acid metabolism.

Side effects after taking the drug Nilogrin they are mainly associated with an excessive drop in blood pressure and severe dilatation blood vessels. The most common are hypotension, bradycardia, fainting, hyperhidrosis, sleep disturbances (somnolence and insomnia), hot flushes and flushing, restlessness and agitation, digestive disorders and hypersensitivity reactions such as urticaria and erythema.

It is very important to remember that alcohol can make side effects much worse Nilogrinus. Producer place Nilogrin is the company Polfa Pabianice.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

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