New technologies as a chance for a longer life
Digital Poland Foundation Sponsored article

New technologies have totally revolutionized the treatments available. They are the greatest hope of medicine and a way to live longer. In the times of the coronavirus, telemedicine and remote medical advice have become an effective way to ensure the stable functioning of the health service and mitigate the effects of the epidemic.

  1. The Digitization Festival is underway – the largest technological and educational initiative in Poland, the aim of which is to popularize digitization
  2. The slogan of today is: My Health. This is an opportunity for all those who want to take care of their health in a special way and learn how to use innovative products and services for this purpose.
  3. The pandemic has broken the distrust of Poles towards digital tools in medicine, showing that they are effective and easy to use

New technologies in medicine are common today. They open up amazing opportunities for us. What once seemed to be an experiment, today is successfully applied in everyday life. Complicated operations are carried out by robots, and diseases are diagnosed by artificial intelligence. The development of medicine, both in the field of information technology and modern equipment, enables patients to recover quickly and to prevent them at the highest level. Thanks to innovative applications in smartphones and biometric watches, we can monitor our health status, collect detailed data and keep health records. New technologies are also changing the outdated way of functioning of the Polish health service. By June, over 207 million e-prescriptions were issued, which is 90 percent. all such documents. Patients positively evaluate electronic prescriptions, thanks to which they no longer have to visit the clinic to continue pharmacological treatment.

– Digital, patient-centered healthcare solutions can help meet current health challenges such as limited availability of specialists, poor patient compliance with therapy, late diagnosis leading to difficult and expensive therapy, etc. – explains Markus Sieger, president of the Polpharma group, which is the ambassador of the day my health.

We want to be healthy and innovative

One of the most important values ​​for Poles is health. As the report of the Digital Poland Foundation shows, «Technology in the service of society. Will Poles Become a Society 5.0? », Which was established under the patronage of Polpharma 92 percent Poles positively evaluate new technologies in medicinesuch as e.g. tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, rapid methods of detecting tumors. In addition, 72 percent. people favorably perceive new ways of taking care of health, for example an application that allows you to control your diet.

Markus Sieger, president of Polpharma, argues that digitization of health care will contribute to reducing social costs associated with an aging society. It will also help solve problems with access to doctors.

– In the area of ​​healthcare, which is systematically becoming more and more patient-oriented, precisely due to the progressive digitization, there is also an impetus for development. The effect of this is, among others strengthening the role of prophylaxis and shortening both queues to doctors and the waiting time for a medical diagnosis. As a consequence, this leads to an improvement in the health of the society, which also has a significant impact on the condition of the economy – emphasizes the president of Polpharma.

Poles look at new technologies positively and identify them with a tool that makes their lives easier. Telemedicine, or remote patient care, is one of the most important directions in the medicine of the future.

– E-health has been developing in Poland for a long time, but its dynamics has increased significantly since the outbreak of the pandemic, and we estimate that it will stay that way. Patients need new telemedicine solutions to be able to take care of their health in a safe and effective way, both for prevention and continuity of treatment. A new phenomenon that we have observed recently is clearly more frequent use of e-health solutions by the so-called digital adopters, which include people 65+ – explains Diana Żochowska, Business Development Manager, Medonet.

The only such day of the year

The Digitization Festival – is the largest educational and technological initiative in Poland, the main goal of which is to bring knowledge about new technologies and digitization to the public. This is the time when anyone can enter the digital world, get to know the most innovative places in the country up close and see where technologies are born. Friday is the festival Friday health Day, whose ambassador is Polpharma. It is an opportunity to learn everything about innovative methods of taking care of your health. The aim of the initiative is to promote new technologies in medicine. These are 24 hours filled with interesting conversations in the festival studio and materials in the Knowledge Zone.

About the Digital Poland Foundation

The Digital Poland Foundation was established to integrate companies and society. He deals with the dissemination of knowledge about the role of innovation and digitization in the economic development of the country. It brings together companies and organizations from various industries, encouraging them to cooperate on specific projects. The mission of the Foundation is to position Poland as a leading center of digital innovation in the world. By promoting an international and cross-industry initiative, joining forces, topics and creating a network of contacts and relationships, it mobilizes companies to transition from offline to online. The Digital Poland Foundation invites everyone who is interested in implementing innovative projects that will change the Polish economy to cooperation.

The Strategic Partners of the Digitization Festival are: VISA, TVN Grupa Discovery, T-Mobile, RASP, Player, Huawei. The partners are: UPC, Stroer, Sage, PwC, Polska Press, Polpharma, IdoSell, Future Industry Platform Foundation.

Digital Poland Foundation Sponsored article

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