During pregnancy, our attitude to health becomes especially careful, because the health of the future baby depends on our well-being. Of course, we try not to get sick, but, according to statistics, every third woman during pregnancy is worried about a runny nose and nasal congestion. How to deal with ailments?
Nasal congestion during pregnancy
It is important to understand that with a runny nose, breathing is disturbed, general well-being worsens, a state of oxygen starvation is created for the organs and systems of the body, the protective function of the nasal mucosa decreases and the risk of complications in the sinuses and ears increases. But for nine months, the expectant mother shares every breath with her baby. Therefore, it is important that her breathing is light and free.
How can you protect yourself from such a seemingly banal problem?
First, try to reduce the risk of ARVI: ventilate the room, avoid attending public events and contact with sick people, do not overcool, rinse your nose more often and gargle. If it was not possible to avoid a cold, then do not postpone treatment. Choose the means allowed during pregnancy, carefully read the instructions for use and, if necessary, consult with a specialist.
Unfortunately, most medicines for the common cold are not recommended and sometimes contraindicated during pregnancy. This is especially true of the now popular vasoconstrictor drugs. They affect the entire body, including the placental vessels, through which the child receives nutrients. Vasoconstrictor drugs can cause dryness, burning, atrophy of the nasal mucosa, increased blood pressure, headache, nausea and tachycardia. What means then is it better to choose for treatment?
Recently, more and more attention has been attracted by herbal products, which have a mild therapeutic effect and are non-toxic to the nasal mucosa and the whole body. For example, a natural preparation “Pinosol®” based on essential oils of pine, eucalyptus and mint gently treats a runny nose, relieves inflammation and swelling, provides reliable antibacterial protection, softens and restores the nasal mucosa, does not cause dryness, side effects and dependence.
Drops, cream and ointment “Pinosol®” are approved for use by pregnant and lactating women, so you do not have to worry about your health and the health of your unborn baby. Take care of yourself and do not get sick!
There are contraindications. It is necessary to read the instructions.
RU * MIS * 12 * 01 * 09
Reg. beats – drops: P # 015768/03 dated 11.01.10, cream: P # 015768/01 dated 14.07.09, ointment: P # 015768/02 dated 15.07.09