Mystical coincidences: unexplained incidents from life

😉 Greetings to regular readers and visitors of the site! Sometimes inexplicable mystical coincidences occur in people’s lives. For example, these are the cases that my colleagues and neighbors told.

The last moment

My dad passed away 17 years ago. It happened suddenly and right in front of me, a 14-year-old girl. His heart seized. Mom was not at home, the neighbors were helping dad. Mom came home at five minutes to nine and met me all in tears. Even then I understood that the worst would most likely happen, but I didn’t want to believe it yet …

When we realized that dad was dead, we said goodbye to him, and he was taken away. Everyone dispersed, and there was an unbearable silence. My mother and I noticed the clock on the wall in the same room where everything happened. They stopped at exactly nine. Apparently, at the moment when mom came, dad was still alive, and five minutes later he was gone.

Help the old lady

The incident I want to tell about happened to me three years ago. I am not particularly pleased to remember him, because I behaved ugly, which I now regret. It was at the post office where I stood in line to pay my utility bills.

The line moved slowly, and it was annoying. And at that moment a poorly dressed, puny old woman approached us and asked her to let her in, because she was in a hurry to see a doctor. They grumbled around, and I too could not resist and said something sharp to her.

The old woman looked at me attentively and said:

– But you, my dear, will soon help the old woman, and, moreover, for a long time.

Then she turned and walked slowly out into the street. I immediately forgot about her words. But two weeks later, by mistake, I forgot to turn off the water in the bathroom and flooded an elderly neighbor on the floor below. There was a flood and the damage was considerable. And I made repairs to it for a whole month. It was then that I remembered my careless words, spoken to an unfamiliar old woman, and regretted them.

The spur of the moment

My mother-in-law Elena Ivanovna was a very kind person – one of those who would not hurt a fly. Nevertheless, sometimes the words spoken by her in the heat of the moment came true.

Mystical coincidences: unexplained incidents from life

Once Elena Ivanovna had a severe headache. My father-in-law Ivan Efimovich was watching TV. The wife asked to turn it off or to make the sound quieter, but Ivan Efimovich advised her to turn to the wall and fall asleep. She was offended and said in anger.

– Yes, so that it burns out, your TV!

I went into the kitchen. A few minutes later I heard a pop. Ivan Efimovich came to the kitchen and began to scold her – they say, it was her fault that the TV really caught fire.

Another case. Once my husband was spinning in the kitchen. Elena Ivanovna baked pies. The kitchen was cramped, and the pies had to be put on stools. Elena Ivanovna shouted at her son not to get in the way, otherwise he would sit in pies. He laughed, but suddenly … and indeed, turning unsuccessfully, sat down on a hot pie!

Dangerous “lining”

This story happened to Marta Grigorievna Tymoshchuk, who was born in March 1932 in the village of Tsminy, Volyn region.

In 1953, the older sister Varvara invited Marta to the Komsomol youth construction site – to build a hydroelectric power plant in the city of Novaya Kakhovka, Kherson region. Martha went there by train with an old plywood case and canvas shoes. And the soldiers rode with her, saw her in this form, began to laugh!

Marta came to her sister late at night, and she was glad that the neighbors were sleeping and no one would see the girl, otherwise they would start discussing her strange appearance. The next morning Martha, tired of the road, had not yet woken up, and meanwhile her sister ran to the store, bought her a new outfit and decent shoes.

At a construction site, Marta met a good guy, Alexei. When Aleksey was demobilized from the army, he learned that workers were required to build a hydroelectric power station in Ukraine. He spent his childhood in the north, in the Vologda region.

The food there was expensive. And an exiled Ukrainian woman who lived in their village said that in her homeland “bread grows like loaves” and that life is satisfying – so Alexey came there. Soon she and Martha got married.

Once on the street a gypsy stuck to Martha.

– Let me tell fortunes! – is talking.

“I don’t have any money,” Martha replies.

– And I’ll tell you fortunes for free! – said the gypsy.

She guessed that something was planted in the house where they live with Alexei and Varvara – and therefore there is no happiness for anyone there, and there will not be. And she even told where to look for “lining”, in which corner of the house you can dig up. But Martha didn’t believe her …


In 1954, there was a fire in their house and everything burned down. They began to build a new house, to strengthen the foundation. They dug a hole and found a “lining” in the corner where the gypsy pointed out. There was a frying pan covered with glass, and inside were bones, rags and hair. All this Varvara burned – and soon, by a tragic coincidence, she was hit by a train.

According to legends, “lining” should not be taken in hand, and even more so burned, so that the smoke does not go to a person, otherwise there will be trouble, because the person will take all the damage upon himself.

The house was soon sold, Marta and Alexei left and lived a long and happy life, made children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


More information “Mystical coincidences” in this video


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