My spring salad recipe

In the spring, I try to eat vegetables and herbs from my own garden. This year I have experimented with new plants that I have never grown before. We planted browncol (kale, popular in America and England), collard greens of various types, bok choy, spinach, Swiss chard, and several types of lettuce that are new to us.

In late May – early June, radishes, dill, lettuce, green onions and collard greens (Redbor variety) ripened. For those unfamiliar with redborough cabbage, here’s a picture of it:

It looks very beautiful on the garden bed.


This cabbage tastes good, and most importantly, it is very healthy, it contains a large amount of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and of course, it is rich in fiber.

From all this spring set, I make a salad. Here are the recipes for this salad with a photo: finely chopping the ingredients, add unrefined salt, freshly ground pepper, sometimes cucumbers (from the market so far) and season with organic cold-pressed sunflower oil.

It turns out very tasty and beautiful)))) And what is the secret of a good mood? Here’s a hint:

By the way, I have some tips on how to keep vegetables and herbs fresh as long as possible, and you can find many more healthy quick meal recipes here.

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