My child’s breakfast in winter

Hot milk to warm up

Nothing like a good hot milk to warm up and fight the cold. Milk is essential from the first years of your child because it constitutes his bone capital. Up to 3 years old, you can give him growth milk to avoid any deficiency – especially if he eats little. It is a milk enriched with iron, vitamins and essential fatty acids, micronutrients necessary for motor and brain development. But you can also opt for whole milk, the fats of which contain liposoluble vitamins (especially A, D and K), or even for yogurt, petits-suisse or cottage cheese with 40% fat (skimmed products or semi-skimmed must be reserved for later). Your child needs 500 ml of milk a day, regardless of whether he drinks it from a bottle or from a bowl. If he doesn’t fancy hot milk, offer him another dairy product for his breakfast.

Cereals for energy

Cereal provides your child with carbohydrates to boost muscle throughout the morning. Opt for one or two toast of cereal bread for lasting energy and let him choose his filling: jam, honey or butter (5 to 10 grams are enough). If your child prefers a bowl of cereal, count 30 grams (a bowl three-quarters full) and do not add cocoa or honey, they are already very sweet.

A fruit for vitamins

Mineral salts, fibers, calcium and especially vitamin C known for its anti-fatigue action and its effects on the immune system. These are all the benefits that fruit will bring to your children. Even if in winter the choice is more limited, eating a fruit is even more necessary to maintain tone. Your choice: a whole or squeezed orange (count about 100 ml), a kiwi, an apple or a banana. If you don’t have fresh fruit on hand, consider fruit drinks (100% fruit, no added sugar) or low-sugar compotes. If he is reluctant to eat fruit, offer it to him peeled, cut into small pieces and presented on a plate. He should crack! You can also invite him to squeeze his orange with you, just to arouse his curiosity, or vary the flavors of compotes.

The ideal breakfast for skiing

On vacation in the snow, there is no question of skipping one of the most important meals of the day: breakfast. Perhaps your child will not be very hungry on the pretext that the day before he liked raclette or fondue too much. But this menu is essential if he wants to survey the slopes. It should preferably be taken at least one hour before putting on the skis. The goal: avoid the “Moms, I’m hungry” in the middle of the morning and enjoy the powder calmly!

In video: 5 Tips To Fill Up With Energy

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