My child doesn’t want to go to school anymore

Your child has trouble living the separation from the family cocoon

He feels lost. He feels like if you put him in school it’s to get rid of him. He does not see it well, especially if you stay with his little brother or his little sister at home. On the other hand, he feels your guilt for leaving him at school all day, and this comforts him in his feeling of abandonment.

Give him some benchmarks. Avoid putting it down too quickly in the morning. Take him around his class, give him time to show you his drawings and to settle down. Tell him about his day: when he goes to recess, where he will eat, who will pick him up in the evening and what we will do together. If possible, for a while, break up or shorten his days, asking someone to come and pick him up in the late morning so that he does not stay at school during lunch and naps.

Your child is disappointed with school

Stresses that are difficult to bear. He was delighted to join the big leagues, he had invested a lot in this wonderful place where he thought he was doing extraordinary things. Did he already see himself surrounded by a thousand friends? He is disillusioned: the days are long, he must behave, respect the rules and participate in early learning activities when he wants to play cars… He has a lot of trouble coping with the constraints of life in class. And besides, you have to go there almost every day.

Promote the school… without overdoing it. Of course, it’s up to you to restore the school’s image by showing it all of its good sides, and showing it how amazing it is to learn. But nothing prevents you from sympathizing a little with his dismay: “It’s true that sometimes, we find it long, we are fed up and we are bored. Me too, when I was little, it happened to me. But it passes, and you will see, soon you will be very happy to meet your friends every morning. »Identify one or two classmates and offer their mothers a trip to the square at the end of the day, just to strengthen their bonds. And above all, avoid criticizing the school or the teacher.

Your child does not feel up to school

Something happened. He was wrong, the teacher made him a remark (even benign), a friend dropped him or made fun of him, or even worse: he broke a glass at the table or peed in his pants. During those first few weeks of school, at an age when self-esteem is building, the slightest incident takes on dramatic proportions. Overwhelmed by a feeling of shame, he is sure that school is not for him. That he will never find his place there.

Make him talk and put it into perspective. This sudden disgust with school, when yesterday everything was going well, must challenge you. You will need to gently insist that he agrees to tell you what is disturbing him. Once he’s confided, don’t laugh and say, “But that’s okay! “. For him, who lived it, it is something serious. Reassure him: “It’s normal at the beginning, we can’t do everything well, we are here to learn …” Work with him to find a way to prevent the incident from happening again. And tell him how proud you are to see him grow up.

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