The peak of mushroom picking falls on the summer-autumn period, but poisoning with this product, unfortunately, occurs at any time of the year. In the season, people are poisoned with fresh mushrooms brought from the forest, and in winter, danger lurks in jars with prepared preparations ahead of time. But it is quite possible to avoid such trouble if you follow certain rules. What are they?
1) universal recommendations:
— грибы являются довольно тяжелой пищей, поэтому ими не стоит чрезмерно увлекаться, чтобы не перегружать свой желудок;
— нельзя есть сырые грибы. Они могли расти в неблагоприятной экологической обстановке и вобрать в себя массу вредных веществ из воды, воздуха и почвы;
— грибы перевариваются не слишком быстро. Если вы не хотите лишиться спокойного сна и хорошего самочувствия при пробуждении, не употребляйте грибные блюда на ужин;
– mushrooms do not go well with fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage). As a side dish, vegetables are recommended for them, steamed or in the oven;
2) boiled or salted mushrooms are useful for people suffering from gastritis. This product improves and normalizes the digestive system;
3) if a person knows a tendency to allergies, he should be more careful with the use of mushrooms, as they can provoke an allergic reaction;
4) for cancer patients or people prone to it, mushroom dishes are categorically contraindicated! After all, mushrooms are capable of accumulating various kinds of harmful substances, up to heavy metals;
5) people with obesity or overweight are allowed only boiled mushrooms. Fried mushrooms, although tasty, can lead to flatulence, bloating and other digestive troubles;
6) mushrooms are poorly digested by people who have reached the elderly and advanced age. Their enzyme system can no longer cope with such a serious load;
7) дошкольникам грибы не следует давать ни под каким предлогом. Никогда!
О пользе грибов
Mushrooms are definitely useful. But not everything with their use is so simple. Firstly, it is worth knowing that although mushrooms are rich in protein, it is hardly absorbed by the human body. Hence the heaviness in the abdomen, and bloating, and a variety of eating disorders. And secondly, vitamins and microelements are sometimes contained in mushrooms in such excess quantities that it becomes harmful to health. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to cook and eat the gifts of the forest.
If we consider the nutritional value of mushrooms in more detail, we can see that they are surprisingly balanced in their composition. Mushrooms do not have as much protein as meat, but the amino acid complex of these products is identical. Therefore, it is useful to combine mushrooms with other meals containing protein in order to maintain a nutritional balance in the end.
Mushrooms are also useful for people who want to get rid of extra pounds. After all, a complete rejection of meat and the transition to a vegetarian menu can provoke chronic diseases, and mushrooms will help prevent these troubles. Salted or boiled mushrooms are especially useful for the diet, as they contain natural mucus that gently envelops the walls of the stomach. That is why such mushrooms are easier to digest than, for example, fried in oil.
Mushrooms have a low calorie content – somewhere around 25 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. But at the same time, they give a feeling of satiety for a long time, reducing the risk of overeating and failures to diet. Combined with pasta or potatoes, this is a very nutritious dish that will make you forget about feeling hungry for the whole day. Also, mushrooms can reduce cravings for sweets due to the zinc and some other minerals they contain. By the way, mussels have the same properties, but mushrooms are available to more people.
And that’s not all about the benefits of mushrooms! They contain vitamins and a whole complex of biologically active substances. Iron and potassium, phosphorus and vitamins C and B – all this and much more can be found in mushrooms. With the help of them, you can lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, so mushroom dishes are often recommended to normalize metabolism.
In a word, there is much more benefit in mushrooms than harm. But still, each person must answer the question himself: does he have the gifts of the forest or not? It all depends on the state of health and personal tastes and preferences.