The most suitable for mushroom caviar are chanterelles and porcini mushrooms. First you need to sort fresh mushrooms, clean them, and rinse through a colander.
After that, an enameled pan is taken, into which a glass of water, 10 grams of salt and 4 grams of citric acid are added. All this mixture is put on fire, and after boiling, about a kilogram of mushrooms is added to it. At the same time, the fire becomes weak, and the mushrooms must be cooked, stirring gently, until fully cooked. A skimmer is used to remove the resulting foam.
Mushrooms are ready when they float to the top of the pan. After that, they are again placed in a colander, washed with cold water. After it has completely drained, the mushrooms must be finely chopped or passed through a meat grinder with a fine grate. Then 4-5 tablespoons of vegetable oil, a tablespoon of mustard are added to them, which must first be diluted in 4-5 tablespoons of 5% vinegar. Salt and pepper are also added to taste. After thorough mixing, the mixture must be distributed in jars, covered with lids, lowered into a heated to 40 0With water, and sterilize over low heat for an hour.
The jars are then sealed and cooled.
Also read:
Mushroom caviar (recipe 1)
Mushroom caviar from dried mushrooms