Mullet is a genus of marine fish. The most common are the mullet and the white mullet, although there are up to 100 species in total. Although, gray fish usually does not exceed 90 cm and 7 kg, has an elongated body, large scales, and brown stripes on the sides. It lives mainly in the seas of the tropical and subtropical zones. Delicious fish from the Black and Azov Seas, mullet from the Caspian Sea is the least fatty. Spawning occurs between May and September.
Firstly, Mullet has tender white meat and belongs to elite fish varieties. The bones in the fish are only large, so there are no problems with parsing and cleaning them. Secondly, you can make Soups with it, baked with spices, cutlets, and much more. In stores, you can most often find smoked or canned mullet – in oil or tomato, but it is also sold in dried form, salted. In addition to white meat, culinary specialists distinguish delicious mullet caviar, as well as the deposition of fat in the abdominal cavity – “lard.” You can use mullet lard to prepare a separate exquisite dish. It goes well with white wine sauce and onions, tastes great in fish broth.

You may also fry mullet until crisp in hot oil after breeding it in breadcrumbs. Fish is great for casseroles, especially with porcini mushrooms. The product is suitable for cold smoking. Mullet can be baked over an open fire. This is a versatile product, the preparation of which has hundreds of recipes and methods. Fish goes well with several different products, so it is tough to spoil the dish.
Beneficial features
Firstly, Mullet is quite nutritious and high in calories. 100 g of raw fish contains 124 Kcal, boiled – 115 Kcal, fried – 187 Kcal, stewed – 79 Kcal. It contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the human body. Fish is one of those varieties that are rich in omega-3 oil. 100 g of product contains 4-9% fat and 19-20% protein, depending on the type.
Secondly, the benefits of mullet have been known to everyone since ancient times, naturally, because it is rich in useful minerals and trace elements, and substances that are of great value to the human body. Also, the beneficial properties of mullet are due to many fats and amino acids, which also bring exceptional benefits to the consumer.

The benefits of mullet contributed to its spread in the culinary business all over the world today. In any large fish restaurant, you can find many dishes made with the addition of mullet; it is preferable to bake this fish in foil along with vegetables or fry on an open fire, prepared in this way. It helps to reduce the risk of cardiac arrhythmias in humans.
Nutrition facts
Calorie content of mullet is 88 kcal
Energy value of mullet (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates – bju):
- Proteins: 17.5 g (~ 70 kcal)
- Fat: 2 g. (~ 18 kcal)
- Carbohydrates: g. (~ 0 kcal)
Energy ratio (b | f | y): 80% | 20% | 0%
Harm from mullet
The harm of the mullet can manifest itself only if a person is allergic to fish, then it is advisable to limit the use of mullet.
Interesting facts about mullet
Firstly, Mullet is a very nimble fish. Thanks to its streamlined body, it can do unthinkable somersaults both in the water and jumping out of it. Secondly, Most often, this happens if the fish is scared or wants to overcome any obstacles. Yes, it can literally escape the networks if she is fortunate. So it’s really worth setting up networks. Professional mullet hunters even come up with special fishing methods to not lose money from a small catch.
Cooking applications

The fish is good dried, boiled, smoked, canned, salted, baked, stewed. Excellent dishes using mullet can be found in the national cuisine of Turks, Italians, and Russians.
Popular fish dishes:
- Ukha – carrots, celery root, onions, parsley are added to the main ingredient.
- Buglama – fish is stewed in a cauldron with potatoes, onions, bell peppers, garlic, tomatoes, decorated with herbs, seasoned with spices.
- Hungarian mullet – the carcass is stuffed with lard and laid on a pillow of potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, poured with sour cream and butter and baked in the oven.
- Baked fish – red mullet is taken, moistened with lemon juice and butter and baked in the oven.
- Batter mullet – Odessa version of cooking fish involves rolling it in an egg and bread crumbs and frying it in a pan.
- Fish with mayonnaise – the meat is kept in brine, sprinkled with lemon, dipped in mayonnaise, laid out on a baking sheet, baked.
What is mullet combined with?
- With citrus fruits.
- paprika, pepper, thyme.
- With parsley, onions, black radish, tomatoes, fennel.
- sunflower, olive oil.
- Chicken.
- garlic.
- With pink radish.
Keep in mind that fish will taste better if you use a mixture of butter and vegetable oil when frying it. Cooked meat will have better nutritional properties if it is pepper and salt at the very end of cooking.
Stuffed mullet “Lady of the Sea”

Ingredients for “Mistress of the Sea” stuffed mullet:
- Mullet (1.2-1.5 kg) – 1 piece
- Carrots (2 pcs. For filling + 2 pcs. For fish decorations) – 4 pcs.
- Onions (3 pcs. For filling + 2 pcs. For snacks) – 5 pcs.
- Seasoning (for fish) – 1 package.
- Vinegar (wine) – 1 tsp.
- Olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.
- Greens (parsley and dill) – 1 bunch.
- Salt (and ground black pepper to taste)
- Salmon (lightly salted 250 g for filling + 150 g for snacks) – 400 g
- Vegetable oil (for frying the filling) – 100 g
- Rusks (breadcrumbs) – 4-5 tbsp. l.
- Semolina (for filling) – 3 tbsp. l.
- Cucumber (fresh d / snacks) – 2 pieces
- Mayonnaise – 50 g
Cooking time: 90 minutes
Part one
- Clean the fish, cut the belly, gut, remove the gills.
- Prepare the sauce: mix the seasoning for the fish with olive oil and wine vinegar, add a pinch of salt and ground black pepper, mix.
- Rub the fish on top and inside the belly with this sauce. Cut fresh carrots (2 pcs.) Into coins, pour out the remaining sauce and stir. Leave to marinate for an hour.
- Cut the flesh or bellies of the salmon, mix with parsley and dill; if there was caviar in the fish, cut it and mix with the mass.
- While the fish and carrots are marinated, prepare the filling. Grate carrots (2 pcs.), 3 pcs. Cut the onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil until half cooked—mix vegetables with salmon and herbs, salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for 2-3 minutes, add semolina (it will give the effect of caviar), mix well. Remove from heat and cool.
- Fill the mullet belly with the cooled filling.
- Sew up with threads.
Part two
- Roll the marinated carrots in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides in vegetable oil. Cool down.
- Turn the fish belly down, make transverse cuts on top. Stick carrot coins into the cuts, insert one “coin” into the mouth of our “Lady.” Transfer the fish to a greased baking sheet, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, put in a preheated oven, and bake at 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes.
- I made a crown out of an onion for the finished fish, painted eyes and eyelashes with mayonnaise, and next to it, I laid out “sea wealth” – this is an appetizer from rings of cucumber, onion, and a piece of salted salmon. Serve on the table with any favorite side dish; I served with whole peeled potatoes, boiled with bay leaves and onions.
- Cooking an appetizer that goes well with baked fish and boiled potatoes.
To do this, we need to cut cucumbers into elongated circles, onions – into rings, lightly salted salmon – into pieces. - We add our delicious snack: put a ring of onion on a cucumber, a piece of salmon on top, squeeze a “pearl” of mayonnaise on the salmon. Decorate with dill and parsley.
- I arranged a holiday for my beloved husband, as he loves fish very much. And my sweet daughter, little Victoria, jumped with delight, remembering, well, in what fairy tale she saw such an “animal.” Then, remembering, she said thoughtfully: “AAA, this is the frog princess.” And we laughed after supper – here, they say, what was left of the frog princess! And the head of the fish remained, for some reason!: – D