Mucosa: the role of uterine, nasal and intestinal mucous membranes
Definition and role
The mucous membrane is a tissue covering (made up of cells) that lines the interior of many organs, including:
- the mouth,
- the esophagus,
- the intestines,
- bronchi,
- the vagina,
- uterus.
This coating is a stack of cells called an epithelium. In this epithelium are specific cells that make mucus, hence their name. This mucus will be used to lubricate and protect the organ which is lined with it.
The mucous membranes therefore have a protective role and are connected to the skin. They prevent the external environment from entering the body (through respiration and digestion).
The mucous membranes are located in places where there is the possibility of physical access (urinary canal, reproductive system, etc.). Although these tissues are buried deep inside the body, they face the outside world.
The body organizes waste in order to excrete it (usually at the place on the outer surface which is closest). As a result, the mucus is both secretory and excretory. The mucus protects the lining, acting as the dead but flexible scaly layer of epithelium for the skin.
The different types of mucosa
There are many organs lined with mucosa:
- the mouth (oral mucosa),
- the duodenum (duodenal mucosa),
- the intestines and the stomach (gastric and intestinal mucosa),
- the vagina and uterus,
- the penis (genital and uterine mucosa),
- nostrils,
- the larynx (nasal mucosa).
Certain mucous membranes have an additional role: that of absorbing. This is the case with the intestine, the mucous membrane of which absorbs all the food components that the body needs, the rest being rejected outside in the form of stool.
Mucous membrane examinations
Sometimes you can see inflammation of the lining, folds of the lining, or lesions of the mucous membranes. Examination of mucous membranes and various mucus is often important in medical diagnosis. They can be the seat of inflammation, we will then speak of mucositis, or stomatitis in case of oral mucositis. They can also be the cause of tumors called carcinomas.
When the mucous membrane is irritated, it protects itself by increasing the secretion of mucus. Unlike the skin, the cells covering the mucous membranes are alive, and absorption is possible and much faster than through the skin. Mucous membranes are therefore highly permeable and specialized membranes that are contiguous with the skin.
If the outside (skin) is dry, the inside (mucous membranes) is often dry too. If there are skin allergies, there will be similar reactions in the mucous membranes. If the person is clammy and sweats easily, their lining will be hypersecretory. The mucous membrane will repair itself as easily or with difficulty as the skin.
There are neurological and circulatory responses that affect skin and mucous membranes in different ways, and therefore may present different assessments.
Symptoms of skin and mucous membrane deficiency are often caused by a liver failure. With symptoms of liver failure, the stimulus for secretion and vasodilation is often inadequate. Dry flaky skin, with cracks, eczema, and rough areas are typical, along with frequent inflammation and lesions in the mouth, rectum, and vagina.
When the skin and mucous membranes are in excess, oily and / or damp skin can be observed on the face, neck, hands and feet. The person radiates some heat and often has a strong body odor caused by excessive sweating. These symptoms are often accompanied by adolescent type acne. There is a tendency to develop ingrown hairs, sebaceous cysts, or hydrosis. Mosquitoes love this kind of person, and people who are always cold tend to stick to them in the winter.
Depending on the organ where the mucous membrane is located, health examinations will be performed by a dental surgeon for the mouth, by an ENT for the respiratory tract, by a gynecologist, a gastroenterologist, a dermatologist for the skin.
Mouth ulcers
A small concern that happens frequently is the presence of a canker sore in the oral mucosa. Benin, it stings when you eat a citrus fruit.
It disappears after a few days on its own, but some natural products can help with pain due to their numbing properties. This is the case with honey, an antiseptic, which reduces discomfort.
You can also place a few drops of grapefruit seed or clove on top.
To avoid canker sores, oral hygiene is the first preventive act. A regular consultation with the dentist also.
Badly washed vegetables or fruits can also be the cause.
Irritated genital mucosa
Women regularly consult their gynecologists or treating physicians for persistent intimate irritations to the genital mucous membranes. Sex becomes a nightmare and many wonder if it can infect their spouse.
These symptoms can be accompanied by fever and very strong itching and it is essential to consult as soon as they appear.
It can be:
Local irritation
A simple local irritation linked to repeated rubbing, too aggressive soap, an excess of eggs, very close reports on a slightly dry mucous membrane or unbalanced flora. There is no discharge or signs of inflammation or infection. It is then sufficient to clean the mucous membranes daily with a gentle and soothing washing product and possibly to take probiotics.
Residual or recurrent yeast infection
A residual or recurrent mycosis causing vulvovaginitis. The most specific symptom is the itching, which is sometimes intense. The losses are inconsistent. The mucous membranes are red. In addition to a local treatment with eggs and cream, it is necessary to add the taking of an oral treatment for several months and use a washing base with a more alkaline pH.
A “vaginosis”
A “vaginosis”: it occurs when the vagina has lost its normal acidity and when a pathogenic germ, such as Gardnerella colonizes it. The best sign to recognize it is the smell of rotten fish and greyish discharge. It is not dangerous except in pregnant women because of the risk of prematurity.
Vestibulitis causing constant pain when entering the vagina. We see little red dots corresponding to the inflammation of tiny glands, abnormally sensitive to pressure. Doctors speak of vulvodynia.
Genital infection
More rarely, a more serious genital infection which manifests itself quietly, such as Chlamydia Trachomatis and which then requires bacteriological samples and antibiotic treatment.
These examples are not exhaustive and it is important not to abuse the eggs because the flora can be damaged and self-medication can lead to the maintenance of symptoms. The repercussions on daily and sexual life can be significant. It is therefore necessary to consult quickly.