Mormyshka for fishing

In winter, fishing is carried out from the ice with slightly different gear and lures than in summer. Among the variety, mormyshkas are especially distinguished; both peaceful fish and predators are fished for them. In addition, this type of bait is also used for catching fish in various water bodies and in the summer.

Mormyshka features

Mormyshka is a small load with a hook soldered into it, while the shape of the sinker can be very diverse. More experienced anglers make this type of bait themselves, but you can also find a lot of jig in the trading network.

A feature of the bait is its small size, while it is able to attract the attention of fairly large inhabitants of the reservoir. There are mormyshkas for fishing with bait, most often it is a bloodworm or a small worm, but there are also non-bait options. The bait will also differ by season, the difference between summer and winter is noticeable to the naked eye.

Mormyshka for fishing

Varieties of mormyshki

Mormyshkas are divided according to different characteristics into a lot of groups and species, it is simply impossible to tell about each. The bait is constantly being improved, new types appear, details are added to existing ones. It is quite easy for a beginner angler to get lost in the variety, so let’s try to divide mormyshkas into several main types.


The most common are winter mormyshkas, with their help you can catch even inactive fish. They are distinguished by their small size, but the shape and color can be very different. To attract the attention of the inhabitants of the reservoir, they are often additionally put on an artificial or live nozzle.

Winter mormyshki can be conditionally divided:

  • perch is usually caught on a product from 2 mm to 6 mm in size, most often a bloodworm is placed on the hook;
  • a large version of an oblong shape is perfect for catching pike perch, this predator is attracted by its white color;
  • the mormyshka-clip is distinguished by a small hook and is designed for a small catch, it will be problematic to bait a bloodworm, so a kind of clothespin is located near the hook;
  • non-baited species are distinguished by a large number of cambrics and beads used, which attract fish.

The weight of all these species varies greatly, it all depends on the reservoir, its depths, inhabitants, water transparency, bottom topography.

Summer mormyshki

Distinguishing a winter view from a summer one is quite simple, although the shape in most cases will be identical. So, the summer version has the following characteristics:

  • the size of summer mormyshkas is much larger than winter ones;
  • color preference remains for copper or brown, other colors will be less popular;
  • most of all, a ball or a drop is suitable for fishing in the summer.

For bait fishing

For fishing from ice with a bait in the form of a bloodworm or a worm, mormyshkas of various shapes are used, while additionally there will be no multi-colored cambric or beads on the hook.

Often mormyshki have a fairly large hook, this allows you to stick a bloodworm in a bunch or use a small worm without cutting it.

The color is selected individually, but fishing is best for black products.

No attachments

Fishing without the use of baits of animal origin makes its own adjustments to the appearance of the product. To attract the attention of the inhabitants of the reservoir, who do not show much activity in winter, mormyshkas are equipped with multi-colored accessories of artificial origin. Most often used:

  • beads;
  • sequins;
  • Cambrian.

On some there are brass balls or cubes, this innovation has recently come to us.

Headless mormyshkas can have one, two or three hooks, depending on this, their name also changes:

  • a headless mormyshka with a double hook is called a goat;
  • a triple fixed hook is characteristic of a devil;
  • three hooks located on opposite sides of the body of the mormyshka and freely moving are found in the so-called witch.

Single hook baits have many names, in most cases it comes from the shape of the jig’s body or from additional accessories.

These are the main types, but there are still a lot of very diverse products.

Tackle selection

On the shelves of stores there is a very large selection of mormyshki of different colors and shapes, respectively, they will vary in weight. It often happens that a very small product has a significant weight, and a large mormyshka is easier. What is the reason? Why is this happening?

This difference in size is due to the material from which the tackle was made. The most common are lead and tungsten products, less common are silver, Wood’s alloy.

Cargo material

Mormyshkas are made both at home and in factories. For this apply:

  • lead, their products are larger, but their specific gravity is much less. Ease of processing allows you to use this particular material for the manufacture of products at home.
  • Tungsten products, even with a small size, are quite heavy; it is problematic to process such material at home. With this type of cargo, mormyshkas are used in the course and great depths.


Beginner anglers, going to the store for tackle, believe that you can buy a couple of universal mormyshki, the shape of which will be attractive to all types of fish. But this is not at all the case, the concept of a universal form simply does not exist.

When choosing a mormyshka in shape, it is worth considering the following requirements:

  • bulk products will attract the attention of the inhabitants of the reservoir better;
  • flattened top and bottom options will raise a cloud of turbidity;
  • a droplet and a ball create fountains of turbidity;
  • a flat-shaped product plays especially, creating a cloud of turbidity at the same time disperses it, which especially attracts perch;
  • uralka and ant work great with nodding movements;
  • mormyshka with a cone-shaped body, when lowered to the bottom, sinks a little into the silt;
  • a ball, an oatmeal, a droplet will become saviors in the wilderness;
  • the devil is especially effective for catching perch, roach, bream and chub.

Mormyshka for fishing

Many people think that the ball and the droplet have a universal shape, but this can be argued. Mormyshkas in the form of a larva, an ant, a fly are no less effective for various types of fish.

The weight

Regarding weight, everything is simple, heavier mormyshkas are used at considerable depths, in medium and strong currents. General recommendations depend on the place of fishing:

  • products up to 0,25 g will be effective at depths up to 2 meters, small fish will react;
  • starting from 0 g and more, the product will attract the attention of a predator at depths up to 25 m.

Large mormyshkas are used by hunters with experience in the first ice and before the opening of reservoirs, but the small size of the mormyshkas will allow the game to be played more delicately.


The color is also important, it is selected depending on the weather conditions and the characteristics of the reservoir. To accurately be with the catch, it is worth starting from the following indicators:

  • in sunny weather, darker colors of the product are used; on a bright day, a black mormyshka can be used all season;
  • depths up to 6 m. it is worth catching with copper products, it is on them that the inhabitant of the reservoir will respond best;
  • silver and gold will work in cloudy weather, and the dark soil at the bottom of the reservoir will perfectly set off such a bait.

On reservoirs with 10-meter depths, it is not worth touching with baits, absolutely any color will work.


The hook on the mormyshka should correspond to the body, too large can scare away the fish, and a small one will not allow you to detect when biting. It is best to choose wire types, hardened and will break when hooked, which means you will have to bandage the tackle. Steel wire will simply unbend.

It should be understood that in the arsenal of a real angler there should be a variety of products. It is impossible to go in cycles in one form or color. To be with the catch, you need to constantly experiment.

Mormyshka fishing technique

Mormyshka fishing is best done with a nod, this addition to the tackle will allow you to play with the bait better.

The process is not difficult, but it must be carried out with skill. It is best to observe more experienced comrades, but if this is not possible, then everything should be done in the following sequence:

  1. Drill several holes, alternately feed with bloodworms or winter bait.
  2. Starting from the hole into which the bait was lowered first of all, fishing is carried out.
  3. Mormyshka is lowered to the bottom, a nod will help with this.
  4. Next, tapping on the bottom is carried out for 5-10 seconds.
  5. While the cloud of turbidity has not dissipated, the mormyshka must be raised, and this must be done quickly enough.
  6. When lifting, you can additionally swing the rod slightly, this will attract the attention of more fish.
  7. After that, they pause for 4-8 seconds and begin to lower the mormyshka.

Such movements are considered the basis, then each fisherman makes his own additions and innovations, choosing for himself the most convenient and successful method of playing.

How to bind

The outcome of fishing often depends on how securely the mormyshka is tied. For many, even experienced anglers, it happened that the fish left with the mormyshka. Often the reason is precisely the wrongly tied tackle.

To protect yourself from such troubles, you should learn how to knit a mormyshka correctly. The tying methods differ mainly due to the type of mormyshka, it is believed that products with a hole are more difficult to tie than a mormyshka with an eye. You can bind securely in this way:

  • first of all, they pass the fishing line through the hole in such a way that the length is enough for the knot;
  • a loop is formed along the shank of the hook, and pressed with a finger;
  • with the other hand, make several turns of fishing line around the forearm;
  • the free end is pulled into the loop;
  • holding the winding on the forearm, they get to the main one and tighten the knot.

So that in the process of fishing the fishing line does not slip, it is advisable to burn the tip of the fishing line with a red-hot needle or a hot match.


Previously, it was problematic to acquire a jig of the required shape and weight. Craftsmen made them on their own in several ways. Many still have not given up on this, the home production of jig has recently experienced a second revival, many anglers remembered their former occupation and sat down to make catchy types of bait.

Most often, products are made from lead on their own, for this it is melted, and then sent to molds. Mormyshkas at home are produced in several ways:

  • cast;
  • cut out;
  • solder.

Each of the names of the process speaks for itself, and without special skill it is not worth getting down to business.

Mormyshka storage

It is recommended to store mormyshkas in special boxes with a special insert made of cork or polyurethane. It is better not to use foam rubber for these purposes, the hygroscopicity of the material can play a cruel joke.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that after each fishing it is necessary to thoroughly clean the mormyshka hook from bloodworms, ooze, fish residues and dry it. If this is not done very quickly, even high quality jigs will rust and become unusable.

Mormyshka for fishing

Top 5 best jig

Among a large number of various mormyshkas, we still managed to choose the five most catchy models that are caught always and everywhere.

The most popular among both experienced anglers and beginner anglers are these several models.

Ant 3.0/2 86601-0.2

The lead version of the mormyshka is made by us, but the hooks are of high quality, Japanese. Weight may vary, but the product 0 g is considered the most purchased. Additionally, the mormyshka is equipped with yellow cambric or red beads.

«Lucky John 20 S»

This model refers to mormyshkas with three hooks, namely to devils. The little body has three faces, it is made of lead, but it is quite expensive, on a par with tungsten products. Produced in Latvia, the mormyshka has a loop and is equipped with beads and cambric. Perfect for fishing in the dead of winter, will not leave indifferent pike, pike perch and large perches. Product weight from 0 g.

«Lucky John LJ 13050-139»

This type of mormyshka is classified as heavy, used to catch a predator in the course. The shape of the product resembles a Uralka, the body is the same elongated. With a diameter of about 5 mm and a weight of 1,3 g, the mormyshka is made of tungsten, additionally coated with high quality polymers. Equipped with sequins and beads, which allows you to fish without the use of live bait.

“Lumicon female ant d.3.0”

Mormyshka very much resembles the corresponding insect, the game of which will be almost completely identical to the floundering of an ant in the water. All predators in the reservoir are kept on the product.

“Sava Uralka”

Mormyshka is considered a classic of the genre, its shape is ideal for fishing peaceful and predatory fish in stagnant water and in reservoirs with a small current. Additionally, it is desirable to plant a bloodworm or a small worm.

For a winter fisherman, mormyshka is the first type of bait, having mastered the art of playing without a catch, you will never return home.

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