One of the most successful food startups, banana milk, is showing dizzying sales growth.
Banana milk, which is produced and sold in the United States by Mooala, began in 2012. Then it was a small business in an ordinary kitchen. Banker Jeff Richards, who is allergic to nuts and lactose, was looking for an alternative to regular cow’s milk and the popular nut milk. It was then that Jeff drew attention to bananas.
“If you mix water and bananas, it doesn’t matter how you do it, it will taste like diluted banana puree. – says Jeff Richards – However, we managed to develop a process that produces a rich, creamy taste that everyone loves. “
With the search for a successful formula, Richards was helped by scientists from the University of Minnesota, who developed a process for industrial production of the drink. Thus, he was able to obtain an organic and relatively inexpensive plant-based drink that does not contain allergens. The final recipe includes bananas, water, sunflower oil, cinnamon, and sea salt. He decided to call it Bananamilk.
When comparing banana milk to traditional milk, Bananamilk contains fewer calories, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates and sugar. For comparison, whole milk contains about 150 calories and 12 grams of sugar per cup, while Bananamilk contains 60 calories and 3 grams of sugar.
Banana milk costs from $ 3,55 to $ 4,26 per liter. It is sold in 1 stores of various chains.
Over the past year, Mooala has shown sales growth of almost 900%. This has become the best indicator among startups producing “alternative milk”.
Let us remind you that earlier we told you how to prepare the miraculous “Golden Milk”, as well as how to properly store dairy products.
Be healthy!