

Moonshine. This is an alcoholic beverage that is produced on makeshift equipment from a brew of alcohol-containing products. The raw material used for the production is sugar, potatoes, grain, berries, fruit, sugar beet, etc. The choice of raw materials depends on the terrain and the availability of financing. The quality of the drink depends on the quality of raw materials. The strength of the drink can vary in the range of 30-40 degrees and above. In most countries, the manufacture and sale of moonshine are punishable by law.

For many centuries people made moonshine. Especially popular this beverage has become in Russia during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. After the invention, the Royal taverns where people who distinguished themselves by service to the king and government could drink “as much as I could scoop up at one time.” Also, this drink was widely used as a disinfectant and antiseptic in times of war. In those days it was a lot of quality recipes drinks based on vodka. However, in Gorbachev’s “dry law,” many recipes and techniques were lost, and the vineyards with selected varieties were ruthlessly destroyed.

To get a good drink should you should follow special technology, which consists of several main stages:

Preparation of raw materials

To prepare a quality brew for the moonshine you need good malt. Grains should germinate and the germination period of each culture varies from 5 to 10 days. This process is important for the formation of active enzymes that are involved in the process. Fill grains with water in proportion 1:2 and leave. So that water does not start to rot away and wander, you should change it every 6-8 hours. After the first germs, drain the water and lay the grain out on the deck in a dark place with a constant temperature of 17°C. When shoots are 5-6 mm long and spines 12 to 14 mm, the germination process over. We need the sprouted grain to create malted milk.


Start the fermentation process using yeast. Soaked and place it in the prepared wort. So the yeast has fully complied with its function (turned sugar into alcohol), it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature mash (20°C). The too low temperature will slow down the digestion process. Too high will kill the yeast and can remain unsplit sugar. Fermentation occurs until carbon dioxide. Therefore, from the receptacle with brew output gas outlet tube in the water bottle.

Distillation of the mash for moonshine

It takes place for the separation of alcohol. For this purpose, improvised stills use different equipment. The distillation process has a particular sequence and the need for temperature control. First, there is intense heating of the mash to 68°C, in which the release of toxic vapors occurs. After it, vapors form the “First Round.” This brew has many toxic substances and is not suitable even for the preparation of lotions and compresses. Further, heating takes place less intensively to prevent the ejection of brew. To obtain a quality moonshine, the optimum temperature is 78-82°C. The temperature leads to an increase in the allocation of fusel oils.

Cleaning moonshine

The output of the brew, in addition to alcohol and water, contains harmful impurities. To filter most often used potassium permanganate, charcoal, or activated carbon. You may add these substances directly into the brew and leave to their sedimentation at the bottom; then, filter the beverage through cotton wool.


To get rid of the mash’s characteristic smell and give the drink the color in the finished drink, you can add artificial or vegetable flavoring and coloring. You may use such flavorings as cinnamon, anise, mustard, caraway, cardamom, vanilla, nutmeg, chili pepper, black tea, saffron, parsnips, ginger root, Golden root, horseradish, and others. To sweeten the brew, you may use a sugar syrup or liquid honey.

When the integrity of the container shelf life of moonshine is not limited, it is best to use a glass bottle with a stopper and cork for these purposes.


Benefits of moonshine

Moonshine in small doses, like alcohol, has medicinal properties. For colds, especially in the early stages, helps the use of 30-50 g of moonshine with red pepper. You can also use the compress on the throat and the area of the Breasts. To exclude the possibility of burn on the skin, you should dilute the brew with water. The resulting liquid moistens the gauze, applies to the throat, and wraps a warm scarf. It is best to make a compress for the night.

You can use quality moonshine for the treatment of ulcerative diseases of the stomach and duodenum. To make a moonshine treat, you need to take 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Due to its strength, You can use moonshine for disinfection of wounds, scratches, and bruises. This prevents infection and inflammation. The drink also has some analgesic properties. If you put a cotton swab soaked in moonshine to the aching tooth, the pain for a while will be held that will allow getting to the dentist quietly.

It is widely used for making medicinal tinctures.

Peppermint tincture is good to treat vomiting, nausea, cramps in the stomach, scrofula, and rickets in children. For its preparation, you need fresh peppermint grind and pour moonshine in the ratio of 1:1 and leave to infuse in a dark place for 10 days. The finished tincture should be 15-30 drops diluted in half a glass of water.

Lots of medicinal properties have a tincture of Golden root. To prepare it, you need dried Rhodiola root (50 g). Pour vodka (0.5 l) and leave for a week in a dark warm place. The ready tincture is fine to treat sore throats (gargle diluted with water (100 ml) tincture (1 tsp)), heart disease (20 drops, 3 times a day), chronic fatigue (10-15 drops 3 times a day).

The ginger tincture is good to treat bronchial asthma and reduced visual acuity. Fresh ginger (500 g) you need to clean, rub on a grater, pour in a vessel for cordials, and pour moonshine (1 l) of high quality. In a warm place to steep the infusion for 15 days, a day thoroughly shaking. At the expiration of this time, strain the tincture and let the sediment settle. Make a tincture of ginger 1 tsp. Diluted in water (100 ml) 2 times a day.


The dangers of moonshine and contraindications

Non-observance of rules of preparation of the drink and hygiene standards can lead to the beverage’s cloudiness and reduce its quality. As a consequence, the use of this moonshine may lead to severe toxic poisoning.

Prolonged and excessive consumption of moonshine may lead to alcohol dependence. This drink is contraindicated for pregnant, nursing women, people taking medications not compatible with alcoholic drinks, and children up to 18 years. If a small child accidentally drank moonshine, you should immediately contact the doctor and begin emergency treatment. Not timely treatment may lead to death.

Useful and dangerous properties of other beverages:

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