Monster hand


Green tissue paper

White glue

Pink paint

A thin sheet of white cardboard



A pair of scissors

A pencil

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    Step 1:

    Place your hand on the edge of a fairly thin sheet of cardboard. Trace the outline of your hand. Then draw another much larger hand around the one you just drew. Also draw a very wide wrist. Cut out the big hand. Turn it over and place it on the remaining cardboard. Trace its outline and cut it out.

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    Step 2:

    Cut a strip of cardboard a little longer than the width of your hand.

    Tape both ends to make a loop.

    Pass your hand through the loop and place it on your first cardboard hand model. Then remove your hand and tape the loop to the monster hand.

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    Step 3:

    Place the other cardboard hand on top. Line up the edges and tape them, making sure to leave the bottom open so you can fit your hand. Tear off small pieces of green tissue paper. Coat your hand with white glue and glue your pieces of paper on it to cover it completely. When everything is dry, paint large pink spots on the hand.

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    Step 4:

    Let the paint dry.

    Cut sharp claws out of white cardboard, then glue them to the end of each finger.

    And start again from step 1 to make your second hand!

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