Miracle morning

Miracle morning

Have the life you dream of and become what you want. What if it all started, simply, by getting up thirty minutes or an hour earlier each day, and using that new time just for yourself, just to be?

Every day is a miracle …

«About 95% of our society is satisfied with much less than they dream of“, Deplores Hal Elrod, personal development specialist and author of the bestseller Miracle Morning. Isn’t the goal for everyone, however, to escape mediocrity? It is essential, for that, to start to think and to live differently… Constant struggles, failures, regrets: one can escape this mediocre destiny, and commit to develop the whole of its potential; in terms of health, but also marital, professional and even financial life …

«Life begins every morning“, As Joel Olsteen so aptly writes. And so you can decide that every day is a miracle! “The Miracle morning, underlines Hal Elrod, consists in recreating this experience of an enthusiastic and energetic awakening, every morning of your existence! It is about getting out of bed with a purpose – not because you have to, but because you sincerely want it – and to devote time each day to evolving as an individual so that you can forge yourself. most fulfilling life.What if every morning became as magical as the Christmas mornings of your childhood?

Avoid the “snooze” button on your alarm clock, start with positive music

It is common to hear people say that no one likes to get up early … And yet, paradoxically, everyone loves the feeling of getting up early! For a motivating awakening, follow the tip of the self-love coach, Nathalie Valentin: “On the ‘alarm clock’ application of our smartphones, there is a well-known feature: it is to set a piece of music rather than the usual alarm. “

Nathalie Valentin advises of course to choose a title which inspires you, gives you a morale of steel, in short, boosts your self-confidence. “When you hear this title, feel that your heart swells with strength, courage, and a beautiful energy to tackle your day on top.“, Adds Nathalie Valentin. She suggests, moreover, to pay attention to the lyrics of the song, and not to choose those which have a negative and leaden aspect even if in addition we find the song very catchy, and even if the lyrics are not in French. Because positive phrases will help you start a new day full of enthusiasm!

Struggling every morning on the “snooze” button of your alarm clock is not a good start to a promising day. In addition, some also advise, when getting out of bed, to place one or two minutes in front of the light of day, in front of his window. It is in fact essential to get rid of a limiting belief: the one according to which we say to ourselves “I’m not a morning person“…

Use this new time for yourself

I remember a summer day when, teenage girls, my sister and I, accompanied by our parents, we got up at dawn… We were leaving for a day of hiking in the Pyrenees mountains. What happiness felt, from six in the morning, already surveying the passes and crossing forests and rocks, in the middle of the streaming torrents, to finally admire the “site of the three lakes”, as we called it then… What happiness, also, well years later, in Algeria, to get up there again at dawn, to feel the cool water in the shower, awakening our senses keenly, before setting off, to cross on foot the mountains leading us to Aït Aissa, ancient village of this Kabylia streaming with nature, sparkling with sun and light …

Hal Elrod, too, advises to use the minutes or the hours gained carefully, in the morning, by getting up earlier – thirty minutes or an hour is enough… Then, if one takes a liking to it, one can even get up as soon as possible. 6 o’clock, or even from 5 o’clock in the morning … Everyone will obviously arrange this new time as they wish.

One of the methods recommended in Hal Elrod’s book is the one called Life SAVERS: S for the time of silence that you will devote to it, A for the daily affirmation which will remind you of your infinite potential and your most essential priorities , V for the visualization of the day to come and of which you will feel the joy that you will have, in particular, to create something, E for the time of writing which you will devote to it, R for the time of reading (in English ), and the S for sport, the time of physical exercise in which you will indulge… Meditate, choose! It’s up to everyone to invent their own morning miracle! 

Life in our inner world

«Most people, writes Hal Elrod again, are so busy managing, conserving, or even just surviving their situation that they don’t take the time to focus on what is most important: their life.So what is the difference? “Our situation is all the circumstances, events, people and places that surround us. They do not correspond to the individual that we are. We are more than our situation.And so, the specialist in personal development believes that life is consubstantial with the individual that we are deep within us: it includes the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual dimensions.

And so, “your life is your ability to create new feelings, perspectives, beliefs and attitudes in your inner world, so that you can create or modify circumstances, relationships, outcomes etc. within the outer realm of your situation.Hal Elrod assures him: you can achieve goals that you thought were unattainable. By committing, every day, on the path of your personal development, you will be able to transform yourself. The Miracle Morning method is a possible path in order to become a better version of yourself …

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