Minutes of the parent meeting in kindergarten
It is the responsibility of the kindergarten teacher to hold meetings with the parents of the children who are in the group. At the general meeting, important issues are resolved, they must be recorded in the minutes of the parent meeting. To do this correctly, you need to know how to draft this document.
Registration of the minutes of the parent meeting
The joint solution of organizational issues at a parent meeting helps to make the life of children in the kindergarten more interesting and fulfilling. The teacher is obliged to agree with the parents on changes in the daily routine, meals, preparation for festive events, etc.
The minutes of the parent meeting are recorded by the secretary
Parents should be aware of where the collected money is spent, what problems there are in the group, what they teach and plan to teach their children.
In some kindergartens, children each year go to a new teacher – a specialist for a specific age. In this case, documents must be transferred from the previous group
Parents’ participation in subbotniks, group design, preparation of festive events are discussed during the meeting, and general decisions are entered into the minutes. The secretary should write the minutes. The teacher can choose a parent who will be entrusted with keeping the minutes during the meeting. This is done on a draft, and then copied cleanly into a notebook of minutes. You can take as a sample a document from a parallel group of the same preschool institution.
It is best to start a parent meeting or parent committee meeting by filling out a sheet of those present. Write down a list of parents and then mark who
Correct keeping of minutes of parent meeting in kindergarten
During the minutes of the meeting in kindergarten, shorthand is not used. At the request of the educator and parents, an audio or video recording of the meeting can be made. At the beginning of the event, the results of the previously planned joint actions are usually summed up, the drawn up minutes are communicated to all participants in the meeting.
If the meeting is the first, then the parent committee is elected. The minutes usually contain a list of issues, topics discussed and decisions taken. If the document is drawn up on a separate sheet, the title indicates the name of the organization, address, group number. When maintaining a document in a notebook, all this data should be written on its cover. In this case, they simply write at the top of the page: “Minutes”, indicate the date of the meeting. Then:
- formulate the goals and objectives of the event;
- note how many are present;
- write the names of the secretary and chairman;
- make up the agenda of the meeting.
After the agenda, they once again briefly write what questions were discussed and the answers received to them. Record decisions made and orders issued. It is more convenient to write down the decisions made at the end of the document in one list. The secretary signs the protocol and the chairman approves.
Record keeping should not be the responsibility of the caregiver. If no one among the parents wants to be a secretary, it is most convenient to make a video.