It is believed that the use of this miracle of technology can harm health.
A little educational program: the microwave heats up food thanks to electromagnetic radiation of the decimeter range. At home we use it in the kitchen, and in industry these ovens are used for drying, defrosting, melting plastics, heating adhesives, firing ceramics, etc. Unlike classical methods, heating food in a microwave oven does not only occur from the surface of the heated body , but also by its volume: the products absorb radio waves emitted by the device. Therefore, food is heated very quickly. The average heating rate in microwave ovens is 0,3-0,5 ° C per second.
More recently, we wrote why you can’t boil water twice in a kettle. But someone believed that this is nothing more than an idle myth. We decided to check another myth – about the dangers of the microwave. It turned out that she was credited with many creepy qualities. True, none of them has been scientifically supported, so all the arguments of the opponents of microwaves boil down to one thing: “Throw it out just in case.” So, they say that …
1. Continuous consumption of microwaved food can damage the brain, as if by shorting out the electrical impulses in it.
2. Microwave food can cause the production of male and female sex hormones to stop or change.
3. Our body is simply not able to assimilate the unknown side compounds that appear as a result of processing.
4. And if the body has assimilated such products, the effect of their consumption remains with us forever.
5. Microwaved foods are reduced or altered in micronutrients, vitamins, and other nutrients that provide minimal or no benefit to the body.
6. Trace minerals found in vegetables are converted into carcinogenic free radicals that can cause cancer.
7. The intestines are especially sensitive in this regard. This may explain the rapid increase in the number of colon cancer cases in the United States after the widespread introduction of microwaves in the American household.
8. And not just individual organs: Long-term consumption of microwave-heated foods can lead to the release of large numbers of cancer cells into the bloodstream.
9. Those who like to use the microwave are threatened by a deficiency of the immune system through changes in the lymph nodes.
10. Finally, microwave-processed foods cause emotional instability and psychosis, loss of memory and concentration, and decreased intelligence.
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Vladimir Reshetov, Senior Researcher, Department of Electronic Measuring Systems, Institute of Laser and Plasma Technologies, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI:
– If you still cannot refuse the microwave, remember: the radiation from the oven should not go out. Therefore, you should not put the microwave next to the sink when you are preparing food. And it is better during her work to stay away from her, as well as from other irradiating devices. Like radars, microwaves are bad for male reproductive function. This is a perfectly valid remark, which is even spelled out in the instructions.
We answer:
1. On the stove – in a saucepan or skillet.
2. In the oven.
3. In the airfryer.
4. At the stake. Only not on an open fire, but on coals!
5. On the hot sand: here are two recipes for delicious oriental coffee at once.