“Metamorphosis” Tracy Anderson (Hipcentric) is a unique complex of exercises for women with type of shape pear. If you want to make thighs toned and elastic, improve lower body and to work out, then this program will be for you perfect solution.
Description “Metamorphosis” Tracy Anderson’s for the body type Hipcentric
Trace Anderson has developed a comprehensive fitness course which is designed for weight loss depending on your genetic body type. The big advantage of the program is the individual approach to training for owners of different constitutions. This method of training will allow you to adjust the problem areas and make your body perfect, no matter what genetics you have.
Coach has created 4 different course for the following types of figures: Hipcentric, Abcentric, Glutecentric, Omnicentric. In this article we will focus on training for hypantria. Features of each shape you can see on this illustrative figure:
As you can see from the picture, hypandrium to include girls with wide hips, in other words “pears”. The workout Tracy Anderson “the Metamorphosis” (Hipcentric) will help you improve your whole body, but special attention will be paid to the lower body. Coach developed effective exercises according to their unique methods that really work. With regular practice you can achieve excellent results.
The program is designed for the whole year, while it is divided into 4 parts for 90 days. The course consists of cardio and strength training, with a duration of 30 minutes. Power classes are constantly changing, aerobic — every 3 months. You have to do 6 times a week for 1 hour: first perform strength training, then cardio. If you are not willing to do daily for a whole hour, you can alternate aerobics and strength, but then the program Metamorphosis from Tracy Anderson will last for a longer period.
Strength training changes after 10 days of its execution (not just once in ten days, namely, after ten days of execution). Thus, you will regularly progress, and the body will not have time to get used to the load. Cardio activity is changed less frequently, approximately every 3 months. The program is suitable for absolutely any level of training. If you are a beginner, just do all the exercises at a slower pace. For classes you will need light dumbbells (1-2 kg) and a Mat on the floor (in the latest workout Tracy Anderson uses the ball).
The pros and cons of the program
1. You will improve your figure, depending on the genetic type. The efficiency of this method is that the maximum tenacity you can work on your problem areas.
2. The program is very diverse: approximately every two weeks you will find a new workout. Your body will not have time to get used to the load, and therefore benefit from employment will be even higher. In addition, the increasing complexity will help you to progress in training.
3. A fitness course is designed for the whole year! You don’t need to constantly look for new programs to make your body perfect. At least for 12 months you will find something to do.
4. As you know, the bottom of the body is the most stubborn part of the body. Metamorphosis Tracy Anderson for ipcentric will help you make your thighs and buttocks slim and toned. You also will work over the entire body as a whole.
5. Coach uses a lot of original exercises that will help you to use the maximum number of muscles during the class.
6. The program includes not only strength training, and dance cardio workout to burn fat.
7. Another plus is the high-quality video with a nice background and melodious music. Tracy also she looks great: her slender, to the extent of having a toned figure is what you want to strive for.
8. The course also includes a bonus workout for the muscles of the hands.
1. Cardio workout Tracy Anderson from Metamorphosis, will not please everyone. A fast-moving dance exercise with infinite jumps look inaccessible. Furthermore, cardiovascular activity is presented only in one variant which is not changed within 3 months. If you want to diversify the aerobic exercise, view: Top 10 cardio workouts for 30 minutes.
2. Tracy, though efficient, but very peculiar class. Watch the video before you start training.
Metamorphosis from Tracy Anderson (Hipcentric) will help you adjust your hips, tighten muscle and get rid of cellulite. In addition, with this system of training you will lose weight and improve your body in General.
See also:
- “Metamorphosis” Tracy Anderson for the type of figure omnicentric
- “Metamorphosis” Tracy Anderson for the type of figure abcentric and glutecentric