Who among us has not experienced a feeling of exhaustion and lethargy in the morning? Sometimes even the strongest coffee is not able to get rid of it. In this case, products for energy and cheerfulness can help you come to your senses. What exactly, read in our review.
Slow fuel
Among the endless advantages of oatmeal is the ability to energize. Its main source is slow carbohydrates and fiber. Being absorbed very slowly, they retain a sense of satiety and a surge of strength for a long time. In addition, hercules is rich in vitamin B1, without which fatigue occurs faster. To stay in good shape, the body needs only 150 g of oatmeal a day.
Milk Power
What foods energize the body early in the morning? Fermented milk products, and above all natural yogurt without fillers. Its main advantage is bifidobacteria, which nourish the immune system and bring digestion into working order. A high-quality product is rich in proteins and lactose, which give us strength. A cup of yogurt with a handful of fresh berries or honey will be enough.
Sprouts of cheerfulness
Dietitians and vegetarians alike will confirm that sprouted wheat is an energy generator. This is due to vitamins E and B, as well as magnesium, calcium and iron. In addition, the active substances of the sprouts stimulate the brain and nervous system. You can feel this effect by adding a handful of sprouted grains to your favorite salads, cereals or cottage cheese.
Energy in the shell
An egg in any culinary variations is an excellent product that gives energy and cheerfulness. It contains huge reserves of protein, organic acids, and a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to them, the body is easier to cope with heavy physical and mental stress, faster recovers strength. A couple of boiled eggs for your daily diet will easily convince you of this.
Incendiary beans
Dishes made from beans, peas, lentils and any other beans carry a powerful energy charge. It is provided by the vegetable protein contained in them, long carbohydrates and a vitamin-mineral complex. And fiber helps this abundance to be absorbed in full. It is proved that a portion of lentil porridge or pea soup is the best remedy for drowsiness and apathy.
Indomitable Cabbage
What foods give vigor, in addition to the above? Vegetables in all their variety. In this sense, there is no equal to cauliflower. The combination of vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, phosphorus and iron helps to overcome fatigue, irritability and charges a good mood. Prepare cauliflower side dishes, mashed soups and salads to always stay in a cheerful mood.
Spinach Almighty
Despite the fact that spinach is just a green plant, it contains impressive energy resources. The combination of vitamin C and iron will not leave a trace of fatigue, and at the same time significantly increase performance. It is noteworthy that spinach retains this valuable property during any heat treatment. In its fresh form, it will make any dishes healthier and tastier.
Walnut battery
Nuts are considered a wonderful product that gives cheerfulness. It is an energy source with reserves of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. This cocktail stimulates the brain and fills the whole body with energy. Just do not get carried away with nuts, especially at bedtime. Limit yourself to 20-30 g of almonds or hazelnuts in the morning.
The power of the tropics
Among fruits, the unsurpassed energy champion is the banana. Due to the large amount of fast carbohydrates and fiber, it instantly quenches hunger, charging with cheerfulness. It is no coincidence that athletes love bananas so much. They perfectly relieve fatigue and restore strength after training. It is also useful for mental workers to eat 1-2 bananas a day.
Berry reactor
Very soon, a colorful berry abundance will appear on our tables. And this is another source of strength. Any berries are filled with antioxidants that protect the body’s cells from destruction and have a beneficial effect on the brain. As a result, we feel cheerful and cheerful. To do this, you need to eat 200-300 g of berries a day. Don’t forget about fruit drinks and vitamin smoothies.
Chocolate Inspiration
Sweeteners will be pleased to learn that bitter chocolate is among the useful energy products. Of course, because they make it from cocoa beans, which can charge with cheerfulness for the whole day. The happiness hormone endorphin, which is produced in the most active way, also motivates you to work hard. However, do not eat chocolate bars — limit yourself to 30-40 g per day.
Citrus Shake-up
Oranges are a salvation for those who are constantly in a half-asleep state. Even inhaling their fragrance, we seem to inhale the very cheerfulness. And the freshly squeezed juice of these citrus fruits works wonders. All thanks to ascorbic acid, which can stir up even the most incorrigible idlers. A glass of orange juice combined with a portion of muesli will give you energy until lunch.
Include these natural energies in the family menu. With them, it will become a little easier to cope with the daily routine. And if you have branded recipes to overcome fatigue and cheer up, tell us about them in the comments.